British Depth Study (1906-1918) Paper 2 – 30% British Depth Study (1906-1918) Could focus on one of the following topics: Liberal reform, Votes for women, British Home Front during WWI. 1hr 30 minutes in length. Answer 6/7 questions using source material (7/10 sources). Totalling 50 marks.
The British Home Front during WWI
The First World War Monday 4th Aug 1914 Great Britain declares war on Germany after the invasion of Belgium WWI was Britain’s first ‘total war’. What does the term ‘total war’ mean? The whole country was geared towards the war effort. It was very different to any sort of conflict that the country experienced before. It touched almost everybody’s life in one way or another. How? Well that is what this unit is about. The HOME FRONT – how were civilian/ordinary people affected by the war?
Look at the source: Use the source to answer the following questions: Task Look at the source: Use the source to answer the following questions: 1) What impression of wartime Britain does this give? 2) Who is the poster aimed at? 3) What is the purpose? 4)Do you think it is effective?
TASK Read the factfile. 1) Make a list of all the ways the war affected civilian life. 2) What impact do you think it would have had?