The Perfect Hat for Me
Ima Solo The perfect hat for me, what ever will I be?
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
The perfect hat for me, I’ll find it, wait and see.
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
Fireman Solo Mechanic Solo
No matter what the job as you can clearly see,
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
Police Solo Baker Solo
No matter what the job as you can clearly see,
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
A helmet. A derby. A cowboy hat is cool.
A square one with a tassle when you graduate from school!
A boater. A beanie. A stocking cap. Beret.
Or maybe we should have a different hat for every day!
The perfect hat for me, what ever will I be?
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
The perfect hat for me, I’ll find it, wait and see.
I’ll always cover my Think-a-ma-bob with a perfect hat for me!
I’ll find the perfect hat for me!