Geographic Assessment Scales Common Understanding Geographic Assessment Scales Discussion paper for WG GES 7 February 2012 Uli Claussen
Geographic Assessment Scales Marine Directors adopted Common Understanding as „living document“ Proposals for further work in 2012/2013 inter alia on Temporal and spatial scales OSPAR ICG MSFD (December 2011): Initial thoughts on geographic assessment scales (Germany as WG GES co-lead and UK)
Geographic Assessment Scales
Geographic Assessment Scales Ecologically-relevant scales for biodiversity components Spatial variability of pressures and their impacts on biodiversity Linking of pressures (e.g. hot spots) and measures Using a risk based approach through the screening of environmental state Opportunities for scaling up to larger areas and for incorporating areas
Geographic Assessment Scales North Sea: Uses & Nature Conservation
Geographic Assessment Scales Questions to MS: What advice do MS need? Are there any specific/generic issues not covered? What are MS approaches to reporting IA? What are MS approaches to reporting GES? What are MS approaches to reporting ET? What opportunities do MS see for scaling up assessment areas (region, subregion)?
Geographic Assessment Scales Priority for common understanding on rules for: scaling-up status assessments providing a route back to local scales determining GES in light of local impacts, taking into account cumulative and synergetic effects integrating WFD, HD and other assessments at different scales
Geographic Assessment Scales Further questions to MS: Are these the right priority questions? Is there specific scientific support? Best use of the Regional Seas Conventions? Please respond to the questions and the discussion paper until 29 February 2012
Thank you!