Youth Leadership Aaron Skarzenski--Andrew Dizon--Harris Silcott, Jessie Whiffen -Morgan Goodall-Scott--Miranda Durkee
“BRING A FRIEND TO YOUTH GROUP DAY” Youth LEADERSHIP Meet TO PLAN EVENTS Social Media Regional Outreach --Gather twice a year to plan the regional and Winter Camps -- Are elected by their peers -- Have Bi-Weekly Conference Calls Manage Centers for Spiritual Living Teen CAMP Social Media FACEBOOK TWITTTER INSTAGRAM TUMBLER SNAPCHAT -- Works with Regional Elected Leadership to grow regional events -- Hosts Quarterly online workshops -- Promotes quarterly “BRING A FRIEND TO YOUTH GROUP DAY”
2015 SUMMER TEEN CAMP 384 registrants --296 teens/ 88 Advisors -- Issued 42 scholarships --10% increase from last year --35 Groups Represented
What Lies Ahead??????? --Working over the next year to look at leadership structure and what best Represents the Youth Movement --The goal is to have 500 participants at Summer Camp --Increase our attendance to include inter faith teens, International Teens, etc. --Create vehicle for fundraising for Scholarship fund --Continue to attend annual Centers for Spiritual Living Conference --Begin YOUTH BASED Foundations classes online