What kind of institution might distribute our media product? By Hollie Broomfield
Large Scale Production Companies Working title is a multi billion dollar company with a large audience and budget. A large budget means A-list stars are affordable. This also means advertising is easily accessible and is very affordable with their huge budget. Huge companies like the BBC will distribute their products. Other companies include Netflix, Amazon prime, and now TV.
Independent film producers Small scale producers and independent producer are much less likely to have the funding to advertise and get noticed in the same way large companies like working title can. Shane meadows is a small scale independent producer and mainly gets his work to companies in the UK. He doesn’t have the same global audience and so doesn’t have to cater for the same amount of people.
My product As a small scale independent producer with a small production budget, I am aiming to target people via the internet (e.g. YouTube). This means I have a wider potential audience as sites like this can be accessed worldwide.