Is it so easy to speak in public...? We must work to be able to do it well, because we will need it for many situations in our life.
Be fluent and learn it quite well. The best way to make a fluent presentation, but not that you look like a parrot, is to learn it very well. It's partly good to give the audience a break and separate ideas. Then the best thing you can do to memorize very well what you have to say is relating it to aspects of your life, which you will always remember.
Clear information Give clear, concise and adapted informtion. Search for the
Body language Is the message that our gestures and our body transmit. The gaze: The limbs: Look to the people, not to your notes or your digital support Whenever you can, give your presentation standing up and adopt a solid but natural posture
Interacting with the public. We must follow these steps to do it : Try to find accomplices in your audience. Use a little humor in your presentation. Always look at the eyes to your audience. Even if you are reading something, you should take breaks and look at your audience.
Voice tone. One of the main things to get the attention of the public is to variate the tone of voice, with exaltation or even questions.
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