Instructions for Slide Templates Due date: 1 week before Patient Safety II SCS Session Use the next three slides to document your project Focus on brief amounts of information – these are summary slides More complete description is in the 1-2 paragraph summary you will also provide (week 8 task) Remember 3-5 minute ‘elevator pitch’ Attention grabbing title Images that are relevant and dynamic – if none, that’s ok Be professional!!!
Residency Name ‘Title of Project’ (Attention Grabbing) Relevant Images Relevant Images Issue identified (1 sentence) Causal Statement (1 sentence) (Cause – Effect – Event) So What Did We Decide to Do? Relevant Images
Residency Name ‘Title of Project’ (Attention Grabbing) Relevant Images Relevant Images Aim Statement (1 sentence) (How good, by when & for whom?) Measures Outcome Process Balancing Relevant Images
PDSA Cycle(s) Plan Do Study Act Residency Name ‘Title of Project’ (Attention Grabbing) Relevant Images Relevant Images PDSA Cycle(s) Plan Do Study Act Relevant Images