Contemporary Health Issues Mr. Sirchio Health Grade 11 Room 1107
Infectious Diseases Pathogens and the body’s natural defenses Methods of transmission and prevention Stages of disease Childhood diseases Common Infectious Diseases (influenza, mononucleosis, staph, strep, Lyme, etc.) STD’s and AIDS/HIV
Non-Infectious Diseases Heart Disease Cancer Alzheimer’s Disease Diabetes Parkinson’s Disease Contributing Factors
Physical Fitness Definition The role of physical fitness in increasing life expectancy Benefits of Physical Fitness Components of Fitness Types of Exercises Evaluating Physical Fitness Planning a Physical Fitness Program
Nutrition Identify the Benefits of Nutrition Food Guide Pyramid Identify the 6 classes of nutrients Meal Planning and Preparation Eating Disorders Assess and evaluate food labels Examine risks associated with obesity Achieving and maintaining proper weight levels.
Stress Management Examine stressors and effects on body Identify the categories of stress Identify the strategies used to combat stress Decision Making Processes Conflict Resolution/ Violence Prevention
Health Careers Respiratory Therapist Registered/ Practical Nurse Dietitian Athletic Trainer Physician EMT Dentist
First Aid Recognizing a safe environment Dealing with open/closed wounds Responding to muscle, bone, and joint injuries Identifying and treating 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns Identifying and treating life threatening situations
Substance Abuse Physiological Effects of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs. Controlled Substance Performance Enhancing Drugs Over-The-Counter Drugs Drug Interactions Treatment and Prevention
School Rules All school rules will be enforced: Hats, hoods, headbands, do-rags will not be worn in this classroom. No food or drink may be consumed in this classroom. The use of profanity is prohibited and the use of such words as please, thank you, and excuse me is encouraged.
Class Expectations The student is responsible for all missed work due to an absence from class. Raise your hand if you have something to share with the class during group discussions. All students must come to class prepared everyday with a pen / pencil. Be respectful and courteous to everyone in the room. DON’T CHEAT!
Grading Policy 1. Quizzes = 30% 2. Class Projects = 20% 3. Class Work Assignments = 300% 4. Quarterly= 20%
The Scrambler Vitamins Fatty Acids Polyunsaturated Amino Acids Supplement Overnutrition Glucose Toxin Undernutrition Nutrient Deficiencies Essential Amino Acids Urine Minerals Starch Fiber Protein Vegetarians Empty Calories Glycogen Balanced Meal