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Presentation transcript:


Objectives Learning Motivations Learning Process Learning Methods Learning Styles Cognitive Training Learning Rx

Learning Intro Learning is defined as the process of adding new information to the memory bank and making sense of the presented material by correlating the information, so you mentally reorganize, and connect it with what you already know. There are four factors that contribute to a persons ability to learning and retain new information; the motivations for learning , the process of learning , the methods of learning and learning styles.

Stimulation and escape Increasing your social relationships Motivations Personal advancement Self-improvement Stimulation and escape Increasing your social relationships Cognitive interest Motivations for learning are the reasons why we learn and that can be summed up in four major categories; fact finding, profitable gain, special interest (your family, friends, or whatever is important to you) and better quality of life ( your health) How we learn-has to do with how we process information and that’s known as learning style Its important to know your learning style because individuals process information differently and learning one’s style helps us approach learning based on a persons strengths and preferences.

Learning Process Learning is an individual processes Learning and knowledge cannot exist apart from a person A person's knowledge is a result of experience

Learning Methods Best practices for learning methods and teaching were first introduced in 1946 by Edgar Dale the creator of the cone of experience- it’s designed pictorial device that explains the interrelationships of various learning methods.

Learning Styles Tactile learner -Learn by touching and doing Visual Learner -Learn by reading or seeing pictures Auditory Learner- learn by hearing and listening Tactile learner- are also known as Kinesthetic learners these types of learners understand and remember things through physical movement. "Hands-on" learner prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what they learn and tend to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved Visual Learner -Understand and remember things by sight. Can picture what their learning in their head. Auditory Learner- Understand and remember things they have heard. Storing information by the way it sounds and have an easier time understanding spoken instructions rather than written ones. They often learn by reading out loud. *** Think about which learning style most suites you.

Cognitive Training Attention- Focus over time, despite distraction, or while multitasking Processing & Speed- Think and perform tasks quickly and accurately Example driving Working Memory - Hold on to and use information during the learning process Auditory Process - Distinguish, blend, and segment sounds accurately cognitive training is the practices of maintaining or improving brain function ability by exercising the brain Improve learning by focusing on cognitive skills that help retain the most information It’s good to have broad cognitive training for balance and optimal brain fitness individuals should train more with their specific learning style in mind when using cognitive training tools.

Cognitive Training Cont. Visual Processing- Create and picture mental Images while thinking or reading Logic & Reasoning- Reason, form ideas, and solve problems Long-Term Memory - Efficiently recall facts and stored information
