For Commissioners in the Mount Olympus District Unit Visit Tracking For Commissioners in the Mount Olympus District
Unit Visit Tracking is found at
Log in with your User Name and Password.
Find Unit Visit Tracking under District Tools on the left side of the page.
You may view an optional short video tutorial here.
Start by clicking on Add Visit.
Select the unit that you visited from the drop down menu.
Select the type of visit from the drop down menu.
Type a short description of the activity.
Select the date of the visit.
Enter the number of youth present during your visit.
Enter the number of adults present during your visit.
Click Save.
Click on the Quality Indicators tab.
After answering the questions, click Save.
Click on the Comments tab.
After making your comments, click Save.
Your comments are saved at the bottom. Now click Cancel.
From here you can add another visit or use the tools to view, print or export reports about your visits.
Any questions about Unit Visit Tracking?