GENERAL INFORMATION Participants: Colombia, Bolivia (CSO) and Ecuador OAS (observer) The Core Team of the Evaluation and the United States as a member of the Management Group November 4th-5th, 2009
REGIONAL CONTEXT Particularities of MIC’s Diversity Relative importance of Aid in Development Role of CSO Other modalities of Aid (SSC and triangular)
STARTING POINT Identify regional specifities that have influence in generic ToR. Other regional specificities will go in the National ToR.
INPUTS TO CORE QUESTION 1: Context The evaluation should focus on aid influenced by the PD. It is important to identify the weight of this aid on the total resources. It is important to analyze sub-national context. To assess motivations and interest of key national actors (executive, Parliament, local government, CSO, private sector and media. Coherence between donors HQ and field offices.
INPUTS TO CORE QUESTION 2: Effects on Aid Effectiveness PD results should be group around the 3 priorities of AAA. Importance to receive actions suggested by AAA
INPUTS TO CORE QUESTION 3: Effects on Development Results Analyze the effects on national organizations and social capital. Analyze the effects on inequality
INPUTS TO CORE QUESTION 4: Alternative Approaches To consider other donors and financial sources that seek to promote aid effectiveness regardless PD.
GENERAL DISCUSSION CSO participation on the National Reference Group. To promote public consultation process in key moments of the evaluation. To analyze the possibility to involve other countries in the evaluation.