Conclusions of the meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Conclusions of the meeting Item 15 of the agenda Christine Coin ESTAT F.5

INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL MATTERS Item 1: The WG approved the agenda of the meeting. Item 2: The WG has been informed on the recent developments concerning Public Health at EU Commission's level by DG SANTE: State of the Health in the EU cycle, Health at a Glance just released and possible new requests within on-going/future initiatives;

Item 2 (cont.): by DG EMPL: data requests are strong within the European Semester (in particular for the European Pillar of Social Rights) and within the Social Open Method of Coordination (JAF Health, with development of LT care indicators (access indicators)); by DG ECFIN: data request are strong for the Ageing Report (every 3 years), the European Semester and the joint EC-EPC report on Health and Long-Term Care Systems.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.1 (cost benefit analysis and TF mandate): The WG took note of the process of the benefit and the cost analysis and the final results of the cost-benefit analysis. The WG agreed on the priority developments as presented in document 2018-PH-02: Improvement of long-term care statistics: Quality improvement of existing LTC health, Long-term care social (HCR.1). Breakdowns of compulsory contributory health insurance schemes/CMSA (HF.1.2/1.3). Further quality improvements of the current statistics: Out-of-pocket payments statistics.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.1 (foll.) The WG agreed with the final draft mandate of the Task Force which will assist Eurostat in: - developing technical work - preparing legislation - analyse SHA data For the priority developments and for the links between SHA & NA Germany will send its comments on the priority ranking and the final draft mandate in the first quarter 2019 Additional countries are invited to participate in the Task Force on Health Care expenditure (to be held in June 2019).

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.2 (draft planning of future legislative activities): The WG was informed on possible successive legislative activities, including (in the future) possible amendments to the EP & Council Regulation to include reference to LT Care social and (in the short-term) an amended/new implementing Regulation for SHA data collection from reference year 2021. The WG agreed with this approach and supported the draft planning for the next SHA Regulation with first reference year 2021.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.3 (Quality report): The WG took note of the results of the pilot exercise launched in 2018 with 6 countries of the TF. The WG acknowledged Eurostat proposed timetable for the implementation of the quality reporting to be followed by all participating countries: launching of the exercice in February 2019, validation of national reports, preparation of the European report and publication of the reports in Q1/2020.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.4 (JHAQ): The WG took note of the state of play of data and metadata submitted by countries in 2018 and acknowledged the monitoring carried out by Eurostat in terms of completeness and punctuality of data. The WG took note of the proposals for the 2019 JHAQ which will be launched in January 2019. The WG supported the request from the TG to have a stable questionnaire over the years.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.4 (methodology): The WG was informed about discussion which took place in the TG on 4 december on two methological clarifications outlined during the last validation: « Opting in » scheme, Out-of-Pocket payments. The WG was also informed about the need expressed by the TG to have guidelines common to the 3 organisations (OECD/WHO/ESTAT). Eurostat highlighted the technical expertise provided by the TG which will be a valuable input for the TF in June 2019.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.4 (links between SHA and NA): The WG was informed about the on-going developments: a template for data comparison (proposed by end of 2018) and a pilot questionnaire used for national data comparisons (beginning of 2019). The results will be presented to the TG and the WG end of 2019 with a view of extending the data comparison to other countries. Netherlands distributed to the TF a publication on comparability of national data between NA and care/health accounts.

HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 3.5 (State of play for candidates and potential candidates): The WG was informed on the instruments for pre-accession assistance to candidate countries and potential candidates. Public Health statistics are not included in the IPA 2017 MCP and are not planned as of now in the IPA 2019 MCP. Ad hoc statistical projects, ad hoc study visits to Member States or traineeship in Eurostat or in an EU country can also be envisaged.

MODERNISATION OF SOCIAL STATISTICS –IESS REGULATION Item 4: The WG has been informed on the state of play regarding the IESS regulation and its possible impact on EHIS wave 4

EUROPEAN HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY Item 5.1: The WG has been informed on the activities performed by ESTAT in relation to EHIS wave 2 as regards: Dissemination Assessment Anonymisation In relation to the JRC need for accessing the EHIS microdata, Eurostat will send a formal request to the Member States (MS); this request will include detailed information on the JRC study.

EUROPEAN HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY Item 5.2: The WG has been informed on the activities performed by ESTAT in relation to EHIS wave 3 as regards: Commission Regulation (incl. derogations) Methodological manual Validation rules / Data delivery guidelines / Indicators manual National quality report template / European Quality Report

EUROPEAN HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY Item 5.3: The WG has been informed on the state of play of the 5 voluntary modules/ grants 2017 and 2018 Disability Health of children Patient experience Mental health Dietary habits

OTHER SURVEY-RELATED ACTIVITIES Item 6.1: The WG has been informed on the results and conclusions from the study conducted by ESTAT on the impact of changes to the MEHM questions. Item 6.2: The WG has been informed about the state of play regarding the EU SILC rolling/ ad-hoc modules. Comparison of the health variables in EHIS and SILC will be presented at the TG HIS in March 2019

FUTURE OF TF EHIS Item 7: The WG has been invited to comment on the document DOC 2018-PH-04 Terms of Reference for extending the mandate of the TF EHIS, and To adopt its mandate Countries are invited to express their interest to participate in the TF EHIS by 14 December 2018

HEALTH CARE NON EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 8.1: The WG PH was informed of Timeliness, completeness & overall availability of recent data Availability of recent data from EU MS for variables considered for mandatory reporting Low reporting for the module “Health Workforce Migration” Timeline for the next data collection Use of NUTS2016 for next data collection (6 countries affected)

HEALTH CARE NON EXPENDITURE STATISTICS Item 8.2: The WG has been informed on the planned Grant actions in 2019. The members of the WGPH took note of the proposed timeline for development of the implementing regulation. The members of the WGPH took note of the foreseen activities of the Task Force on non-monetary health care statistics. WGPH members should liaise at a national level with relevant representatives. TF will take place on 26 February 2019, video meeting will take place in June 2019. TG HCnE will take place 26-27 September 2019.

STATISTICS ON CAUSES OF DEATHS Item 9.1: The WG PH wass invited to take note of the results from the 2015 data collection was invited to send 2016 data and metadata (validated with EDIT) via Edamis until 31.12.2018 was reminded to also provide metadata before the deadline is invited to send 2017 data and metadata (validated with EDIT) via Edamis at the earliest convenience, if possible by 30.06.2019 agreed that the topic of underlying causes of death (WHO recommendation) is to be discussed at the next TG COD.

STATISTICS ON CAUSES OF DEATHS Item 9.2: WG PH members were informed about the process and guiding principles of the revision of avoidable mortality lists. WG PH broadly supported the proposed lists. WG PH agreed with the dissemination of the avoidable mortality indicators by the revised methodology.

STATISTICS ON CAUSES OF DEATHS Item 9.3: Confidentiality on the fly The WG PH agreed to continue discussing the dissemination of microdata for research data. to further analyse the results of the consultation of TG CoD. to further explore the pilot exercise on the table builder.

ICD REVISION Item 10: The WG was informed on the state-of-play, latest developments and future steps on the revision of the ICD.

MORBIDITY STATISTICS Item 11: WGPH members took note of the state of play of development of morbidity statistics and planned pilot data collections. WGPH members were informed on the planned methodology for morbidity pilot data collections. WGPH members were informed about planned timeline and planned meetings in the area of Morbidity statistics.

NUTS 2016 Item 12: The WG PH took note of the last revision of NUTS (NUTS 2016). It has to be implemented from 1 January 2018 for all statistical domains. Back-data are due by 1 January 2020.

ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS/AOB Item 13: The WG has been informed on the meetings on Public Health planned by Eurostat in 2019. Item 14: AOB - none Item 15: Conclusions of the meeting.