(Interoperability Model for Land Registers)


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Presentation transcript:

(Interoperability Model for Land Registers) IMOLA Project (Interoperability Model for Land Registers) Alasdair Lewis ELRA President XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 1

• EC Program: Specific Programe Civil Justice • Applicant and coordinator: ELRA • Partners: Colegio de Registradores (main financial partner), Kadaster and EULIS • Objective: to increase the accessibility and transparency of Land Registry information and to facilitate the registration of cross- border documents. • Budget: the maximum provisional amount of the EU contribution is 327.184,62 EUR. The EC is currently reviewing it. XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 2

Expected results: • Guidelines for the establishment of standardized access to LR information • Define a broker to unify the many national dictionaries, information models, protocols and output formats • Define an information model • Define a model for a European Land Registry document (ELRD) • Assistance tools within the e-Justice portal • Implement a publication engine that takes a request and formats the result in a standard predefined form • Training XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 3

Methodology: • A Steering Committee will govern the project chaired by the President of ELRA • Workstream 1: Land registry Output and Training (Coordinator: Jorge López) To create a standard template for the presentation of LR information • Workstream 2: IT Solutions (Coordinator: Jacques Vos) To develop a technological solution suitable for the 28 MS starting from concepts defined in WS 1 • Workstream 3: Conferences (Coordinator: ELRA secretariat) To discuss the Land Registry output of WS 1 and the structure of interoperability tools of WS 2 XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 4

• Description of WS and Activities : - Workstream 1: Land registry Output and Training 4 Seminars - Workstream 2: IT Solutions 8 meetings of coordinating group - Workstream 3: Conferences 3 conferences All activities will be held in 2014 and 2015 (dates and location to confirm). XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 5

THANK YOU! secretariat@elra.eu 6 XIII General Assembly Brussels, 10th December 2013 6