Foreign Policy Project Topic Introduction & Research April 25th and 26th
Reminders for Tuesday, April 26th Do Soft Skills Survey if you did not do it last week Complete your Foreign Policy Intro PPT slides Historical Figure Interview – Due tomorrow! Work on typing up your speech, prepping answers for your interview and figuring out props & quotes Make sure you have your mask Come see me for samples of interviews Include: introduction, interesting information, relevant time period information, thoughts on government
You will be a Senator. You will solve problems. You will present a unique, complex and focused argument about how the United States should address one Foreign Policy issue. Based on our history, values, and practical needs. You will: Choose an issue Research the issue Create a proposal (thesis) Support that proposal (evidence, stats, info, stories: ethos, pathos, logos) Write a persuasive paper and/or participate in Senate committee debates Participate in a Senate Floor Debate
Foreign Policy Topic Research Explore critical issues and problems around the world. Find 5+ that interest you and would likely interest others. Important! Related to U. S.! Urgent! You will be in groups of 4-5 that I will give you in a minute – you can only use a topic ONCE in your group So at the end your group will have 20-25 different topics Create a PPT with 5+ problems explained, 1-2 slides PER problem. Include these: title for problem, image or two of issue, citations, and 3-4-sentence summary of issue that describes the issue and illustrates its importance to the U. S. and/or the world This is due Thursday, April 28th at the beginning of the class
Example: Thirsty Sao Paolo, Thirsty World Years of deforestation and overuse of groundwater have helped cause devastating drought and water shortages to many areas of this important U. S. ally. The health of millions and the sustainable future for perhaps billions is at stake. The U. S. could help Brazil solve the problem, which would likely benefit the entire world. Zerkel, Eric. "Brazil's Record Drough." Weather Channel. N.p., 23 Jan. 2015. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.
Once you are done with your PPT Save your file in the public folder, so others can view it Public/Maners/Foreign Policy Topic Ideas Save your FPP topics PPT to public as a PPT template Save with your name.