#FAPBG Middle School Preview April 11, 2018
Welcome to Middle School!
Required Core Coursework 6th Grade Math: Math 1, Math 1 Advanced, or Pre-Algebra Social Studies: World History Science: Comprehensive Science 1 English Language Arts: ELA regular, or ELA advanced Additional academic course work as needed: Remedial: Intensive Reading, Intensive Math Accelerated: STEM Elective (this course will require participation in Science Fair) Required Elective 1 Semester of PE 1 Semester of Chess Required Core Coursework
Elective Choice Options 2D Art 3D Art Advanced Chess Beginning Band Advanced Band Chorus Beginning Spanish Digital Media & TV Production Possible additional options: Speech & Debate, Journalism, Creative Writing Elective Choice Options
Extracurricular Options Competitive Sports: Boys Flag Football Girls Flag Football Girls Volleyball Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Possible additions- Baseball/Softball Thespians/Drama Team Competitive Chess Team Academic club opportunities: FEM STEM, Math Academic Games, School Newspaper Extracurricular Options
A day in the life of a middle school student at #FAPBG 8:15am- Arrive and head to gym (or cafeteria to eat breakfast), socialize with friends in gym, play basketball, jump rope or get extra help from teachers in their classrooms 8:45am-3:30pm- Students attend seven 50 minute classes each day. Students are given 2 minutes to change classes and a 25 minute lunch period. 3:30pm- Dismissal via bus or carline or report to aftercare, club, or team practice A day in the life of a middle school student at #FAPBG
What should I (a new MS student) expect? 7 teachers!!! You’ll need to be organized. Using your planner is a vital skill. You will have co-ed classes throughout your day. You will have HOMEWORK…not a lot, but you MUST do it and turn it in on time! Most often “ homework“ will be a result of not finishing your classwork in time. You will have PROJECTS that will sometimes require you to work at home and/or work with your classmates. Turning in assignments late will negatively affect your grade, as will coming to class unprepared. Your learning is YOUR responisbility! Bookmark your teachers’ Weebly sites and check your grades in PowerSchool often. Coming to school on time, every day, even early release days, is important. Learning does not stop when you are absent and assessments are often given on early release days to prevent additional loss of instructional time. End of the Year field trips are AMAZING, but you will not be able to attend if you have discipline issues during the school year. Playing sports is a priviledge and requires you to keep your grades in good standing. Yes, there will be dances and other middle school ONLY activities. What should I (a new MS student) expect?
What should I (a new MS parent) expect? 7 teachers!!! You’ll need to be organized, too. Your student will have coed classes. Your student will have HOMEWORK…not a lot, but he or she MUST do it! Most often homework is a result of students not completing classwork due to time contraints or needing additional help. Your student will have PROJECTS that will sometimes require work at home and/or work with his or her classmates. Your student’s learning is their responisbility, but they still need your help! Bookmark their teachers’ Weebly sites and check their grades in PowerSchool often. Hold them accountable and support the efforts of the teachers. Consider their 6th grade year as a season of gradual release. Getting your students to school on time, every day, even early release days, is important. Assessments are often given on early release days to prevent additional loss of instructional time. End of the Year field trips are AMAZING opportunities for your student to build independance. Students travel in groups and will have a chaperone with them at all times, even if it’s not you. He or she will not be able to attend if there have been discipline issues during the school year and deposits are non-refundable. Playing sports is a priviledge and requires students to keep their grades in good standing. Sports are a great way to learn new skills both in terms of athletics and social/life lessons, which may include not playing as much as they would like. Yes, there will be dances and other middle school ONLY activities. What should I (a new MS parent) expect?
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
Is my uniform different? You will wear different shirts: white or navy blue, rather than light blue and light yellow. All other uniform requirements still apply. You must wear your ID daily. If you are out of uniform, including absence of a belt, untucked shirt, non-inform will result in a detention to be served before or after school. Is my uniform different?
Middle school students do not get a locker for their daily use. You will be given textbooks to keep at home and/or online access to your textbooks. You will only need to bring your personal materials to each of your classes like your pens, pencils, notebooks, binders, and planners. You will need a combination lock for PE to lock up your backpack and clothes during PE each day. Do I get a locker?
Do I still have to do iReady? Yes. 45 minutes each of reading and math will still be required each week. Do I still have to do iReady?
Will I have work to do over the summer? Yes. You will have summer reading assignments to complete as well as iReady milestones for math. We don’t want you to work ALL summer long, but we also don’t want you to lose all the momentum you’ve gained this year. Will I have work to do over the summer?
You will be given an opportunity to give us your elective preferences before school lets out for the year. These preferences will be used to create your schedule, but you may not get all of your top choices. Your academic placements will take priority over your electives. Teacher recommendations for advanced classes will be given to administration. We will also look at standardized test scores and grades from this school year. Students scoring a level 1 or 2 on their ELA FSA will be scheduled into Intensive Reading. Students scoring a level 1 on their Math FSA will be scheduled into Intensive Math. Can I pick my classes?
If I don’t like my classes, can I switch my schedule? Scheduling over 300 students into into over 140 class sections is a HUGE task. Our first priority is that every student’s academic needs are met. Once academic coursework is scheduled , student elective preferences are attempted, but may not be able to be scheduled. This is especially likely if students are in advanced or intensive classes. Schedule changes will likely be granted only for academic issues. Students scheduled into Intensive Reading and/or Intensive Math will likely be in the course for the entire year. If your parents feel an error has been made, they may contact administration, but it is likely that you will be in the course for the entire year. A google form will be distributed to request elective schedule changes at the beginning of the year, but these often cannot be granted. Administration will do the best they can, but please be understanding of the challenges of the scheduling process. If I don’t like my classes, can I switch my schedule?
When will I get my schedule? Schedules will be available for viewing in PowerSchool a few days before Meet the Teacher in the fall. You will also be able to pick up a paper copy of your schedule and a map at Meet the Teacher. When will I get my schedule?
Q & A Questions and Answers