Report from the MIMO Rapporteur Group Document Number: C802.16maint-08/155 Date Submitted: 2008-03-17 Source: Peiying Zhu Voice: +1 613 765 8089 Nortel Networks E-mail: Venue: Report from the MIMO Rapporteur Group, as requested in IEEE 802.16maint-08/005r1 Base Contribution: Purpose: For information. Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <> and <>. Further information is located at <> and < >.
Comments submitted for LB #26b Feedback header for CL_MIMO Band AMC operation #2016 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan #2017 by Eric Colban (also related codebook) #2018 by Wee Goh, partially duplicate of #2017 ((also related codebook) #2019 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan #2060 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan #2115 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan Code book #2017 by Eric Colban : new 4 bit codebook #2018 by Wee Goh, partially duplicate of #2017: – new 4 bit codebook #2127 by Yuval Lomnitz: Calrificationon 3 bit codebook MIMO operation for AMC permutation (slot and pilot) # 2113 by Yuval Lomnitz #2141 by Yuval Lommitz: #2143 by Erik Colba #2145 by Yuval Lomnitz #2146 by Yuval Lomnitz #2147 by Yuval Lomnitz #2148 by Arvind Raghavan #2171 by Yuval Lomnitz CINR measurement using Midamble #2173 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan #2174 by Kathiravetpillai Sivanesan
Comments submitted for LB #26b MIMI support in MBS (also listed in MBS group) Comment #2114 by San-youb Kim Sounding Comment #2133 by Fred Vook Comment #2134 by Fred Vook Comment #2135 by Fred Vook Comment #2136 by Fred Vook CDD Comment #2147 by Yuval Lomnitz Comment #2166 by Zhou Frank Comment #2167 by Yuval Lomnitz Comment #2238 by Zhou Frank Editorial comments Comment #2118 by San-youb Kim Comment #2142 by Wonil Roh
List of Contributions C80216maint-08_006r5 C802.16maint-08/007r3
One set of recommendations from Yuval Email discussion Limited discussion Did not receive invitation from Roger Lack of time after the submission One set of recommendations from Yuval Some comments from the MIMO Rapporteur to suggest revisions of the contributions Recommend to allocate some time to have F-2-F discussion on the topic.
Comments from previous sessions on MIMO topics 0139 by Hurbert Ruck 0153 by Peiying Zhu 0165 by Hurbert Ruck 0229 by Fran Zhou 0282 by Peiying Zhu 0283 by Gamini Senarath Session #53 1021 by Peiying Zhu 1167 by Yuval Lomnitz 1192 by Gokhan Korkmaz, possible superceded by #1168 1205 by Peiying Zhu 1206 by Gokhan Korkmaz 1221 by Fred Vook 1227 by Gokhan Korkmaz, superceded by #1168 1228 by Peiying Zhu 1230 by Peiying Zhu 1235 by Gokhan Korkmaz 1236 by Yuval Lomnitz 1279 by Peiying Zhu 1398 by Gokhan Korkmaz The following are the comments which were accepted or accept-modified. 0154 by Lei Wang 1165 by Peiying Zhu 1168 by Peiying Zhu 1169 by Ayelet Doron 1209 by Ayelet Doron 1213 by Gokhan Korkmaz 1232 by Ayelet Doron 1233 by Peiying Zhu 1234 by Gokhan Korkmaz