1. Right-click on the image above, Save As Picture to your DDP folder
2. Top Plane New Sketch 3. Tools Sketch Tools Sketch Picture Browse for the Game Pad photo
6. Top Plane New Sketch 4. Width: 8” 5. Regenerate 7. Sketch a Construction Line down the middle 8. Spline tool Trace half of the pad
9. Adjust the Spline by clicking and dragging stars 10. Mirror Entities Entities to mirror: pick Spline Mirror about: Construction Line 11. Delete Construction Line 12. Extruded Boss/Base 1.75” Reverse direction
13. Top Plane New Sketch 14. Sketch Circles 15. Extruded Boss/Base .0375” 16. Insert, Features, Dome .1”
18. Sketch Circles 17. New Sketch on Surface 19. Extruded Boss/Base .0375” 20. Insert, Features, Dome .1”
21. Fillet .25” 22. Fillet 1.00” 23. Hide Sketch1 (Internet image) 24. Appearances, your choice