LEGISLATIVE MANDATE Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Housing Act No. 107 of 1997 Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlements The Housing Development Agency Act No.23 of 2008 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
OBJECTS Identify, acquire, hold, develop and release state, communal and private owned for residential and community purposes and for the creation of sustainable human settlements; Project manage housing development services for the purposes of the creation of sustainable human settlements; Ensure and monitor that the centrally coordinated planning and budgeting of all infrastructure required for housing development; and Monitor the provision of all infrastructure required for housing development. HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
GOVERNANCE Board Sub-committees Policies and Procedures Statutory Compliance HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
ORGANISATION Systems and processes in HR and ICT 83 % of Total staff establishment post filled Strategic planning processes Financial and Programme Reporting Compliance HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
GOALS Land and Property Availability and Release Land and Property Holding Human Settlements Planning and Preparation Organisational Credibility HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
PRESENCE National office and 2 regional offices established 6 Implementation Protocols (IPs) 6 Metropolitan municipalities; 8 IPs to be discussed with provinces (except Northern Cape IP) IPs with the DPW, RDLR and DPE finalised - awaiting signatures Inputs and support Delivery Agreement to Presidency HDA Mandate based on discussion with nine Provinces and the six Metros submitted to Minister HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
LAND ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT Draft Strategic Land Acquisition Framework developed Criteria for land identification and development – informs Policy Framework to identify well located and suitable land - municipal support framework and programme developed Servcon (Transnet) land portfolio Land offers and requests R 1.5 billion - key constraint funding gap HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
PROJECTS AND PROGRAMMES(P&P) Section 29 Projects Zanemvula and N2 Gateway Cornubia Implementation Protocol Informal Settlement Upgrading Programme NC Provincial Government Priority Housing Development Areas (PHDAs) – Pilot PHDA Germiston area Priority Projects HDA Launch HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2009-2010 Revenue Grants received 62 650 Other Income Sundry Income 36 Interest received 799 Total Income 63 485 Total Expenditure 43 836 Surplus for the Period 19 649 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
Vision: Sustainable human settlements and communities developed on land made available by the HDA Mission: A public development Agency that promotes sustainable communities in integrated human settlements through the provision of well located and appropriately planned land and buildings HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY