INCIDENT While picking up 3-1/2” D.P, a 2” drift was being used to drift pipe as it was raised up V-door room catwalk, 90 joints in total to be picked up, on joint number 89 the pipe was picked up to the drill floor and the Floor Man retrieved drift from pin end of Drill Pipe and dropped it over the hand rail to the ground striking the I.P on the top rear side of his hard hat and upper back . ROOT CAUSES: Dropping drift from rig floor Procedure not documented Failure to stop the job Lack of supervision Failure in communication Lateral Learning Never drop objects from height Discuss all steps of jobs in TBT Recommended Actions: Discuss this alert in toolbox talks and HSE meetings and Distribute to all contractors Post on HSE notice boards Include in site HSE induction Never Drop any object from height, Safest way to drift is on the pipe racks Actual – bruising, and neck pain Potential – severe head or neck injuries Contact MSE511 for further information or visit HSE website LTI No 42 Alert No 18 December 2010