Indian Policy & Procedures Forum


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Presentation transcript:

Indian Policy & Procedures Forum IPP IPP November 14, 2017 5:00 Pm in the LGI IPP IPP

IPP Purpose To identify the 6 policies required by the USDOE (aka- the WHAT) To identify the procedures the SCCSD will use to meet the policy requirements (aka the HOW)~ in layman's terms Disseminate information and meeting notices Opportunities for input and views to be shared by Indian parents/Indian children/Nation Assess annual equal participation for Indian children How to modify and change the IPP SCCSD responses Distribution of documents to the Nation P O L I C Y

Policy 1: Information and Meeting Notices IPP Procedures Policy 1: Information and Meeting Notices Set meeting dates for IPP Forums (11/2, 11/14, 11/28 12/5) on web, calendar and in Pow Wow Set IEC meetings (8/10, 9/14, 10/19, 11/9, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8 5/10) and inform the community in writing (on district Calendar & Website) Provide a winter Pow Wow summary (in writing) on how to obtain information *December Pow Wow Post IEC minutes on BOARD DOCS

IPP Procedures Policy 2: Opportunity for Input and Views Public Comments permitted at nearly all BOE meetings – at second and fourth Tuesday of every month Advance notice of all BOE meetings advertised on district calendar (mailed home to all residents of the District) and is posted on website Multiple Public Forums are annually scheduled with Nation (11/2, 11/14, 11/28 12/5) IEC also serves as a Parent Advisory Group for IPP, open to public (8/10, 9/14, 10/19, 11/9, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8 5/10)

IPP Procedures Policy 3: Access Equal Participation SCCSD Monitors and reports on participation levels (sports, co-curricular and academics) Inform of participation levels in writing and at IEC meeting Encourage views and opinions to be shared at public meetings Make recommendations to IEC to address program gaps

Equal Access: Clubs, Activities & Sports Spring Sport Ethnicity 2017 % Fall Sport Ethnicity 2017 Winter Sport Ethnicity 2017 NA 41% 40%   C 53% 54% Asian 0.4% 1.5% Hisp 1.0.% AA 2.4% MR 1.0% Oth 0.0% 2.0%

Modifying IPP Policy 4: Modifying IPP Admin, BOE, IEC, Nation, Indian Parents, Indian Children can request IPP procedures to be revised Upon BOE adoption, within 30 days, the new IPP is forwarded to Nation, within 90 days to USDOE New IPP is posted electronically for community review IPP is a rolling document and can generally be changed within about 6 weeks time

IPP Procedures Policy 5: SCCSD Responses Formal inquires about the IPP, programs, etc. will generate a written response from the District Responses will occur within 30 calendar days (Girl’s Lax, Graduation) Requests may generate changes to the IPP, in which case Policy 4 action would also simultaneously occur Policy 6: Distribution of the IPP Final BOE approved IPP is forwarded to the Seneca Nation of Indians Office of the President BOE adoption of the IPP occurs normally 2x per year: once in July and once in late December or within 30 days of the IPP being amended by the BOE.