Bowler name Matches Wickets WPT BA SR Balls/Test 5 WPI 10 WPM Muralitharan 132 795 6.02 22.67 54.9 331.17 67 22 Kumble 619 4.68 29.65 65.9 309.47 35 8 Harbhajan 103 417 4.04 32.46 68.5 277.48 25 5 Herath 75 351 27.97 60.7 284.39 28 7 Bedi 266 3.97 28.71 80.3 318.87 14 1 Kaneria 61 261 4.27 34.79 67.8 290.11 15 2 Ashwin 44 248 5.64 24.96 51.3 289.36 24 Chandrashekhar 58 242 4.17 29.74 275.22 16 Qadir 236 3.52 32.8 72.5 255.61 Saqlain 49 208 4.24 29.83 67.6 287.14 13 3 Prasanna 189 3.85 30.38 75.9 292.92 10 Mushtaq Ahmed 52 185 3.55 32.97 67.7 241 Ajmal 178 5.08 28.1 65.1 331.2 4 Iqbal Qasim 50 171 3.42 28.11 76.1 260.38 1. Statistics of subcontinental spinners, ordered by total wickets for country.
Selected spinners after 44 matches Name Wickets WPT BA SR 5 WPI 10 WPM Ashwin 248 5.64 24.96 51.3 24 7 Selected spinners after 44 matches Muralitharan 215 4.89 26.33 63.1 17 2 Warne 207 4.70 23.52 63.3 10 3 Kumble 182 4.13 29.29 72.7 9 1 Harbhajan 193 4.39 28.08 62.3 15 Herath 179 4.07 30.32 65.4 14 Gibbs 195 4.43 26.04 77.7 13 Underwood 155 3.52 24.80 74.3 4 Bedi 166 3.77 29.77 85.4 Swann 188 4.27 28.57 57.7 Benaud 174 3.95 23.78 68.9 12 2. Comparision of Ashwin’s record against selected spinners’, after the 44 test mark
Name Matches Wickets WPT BA SR 5 WPI 10 WPM Muralitharan 79 565 7.15 18.98 48.9 51 20 Ashwin 129 6.45 19.69 41.6 16 5 4. Comparision of Ashwin’s current wicket taking streak with Muralitharan’s peak
Host country Home spinners, BA Away spinners, BA Difference in BA Australia 33.77 44.45 -10.69 Bangladesh 40.75 27.77 12.98 England 31.55 38.46 -6.91 India 29.33 39.34 -10.01 New Zealand 42.21 29.87 12.34 Pakistan 30.94 39.45 -8.47 South Africa 38.08 34.85 3.23 Sri Lanka 26.70 39.49 -12.79 West Indies 38.55 39.12 -0.57 Zimbabwe 45.42 29.89 15.53 7. Overall bowling average of home and away spin bowlers across different countries. UAE has been treated as a home venue for Pakistan.
Host country 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Australia 33.13 27.49 40.77 37.46 36.52 27.24 32.61 37.96 Bangladesh 44.57 38.06 England 44.47 20.15 27.5 32.23 39.22 44.6 37.67 33.27 India 52.5 29.6 31.67 27.62 32.9 25.45 30.77 25.78 New Zealand 65.50 43.45 38.39 51.56 35.82 43.16 39.39 47.28 Pakistan 27.98 29.08 33.66 26.24 37.65 30.01 South Africa 38.37 28.85 48.12 34.08 36.91 44.24 39.71 Sri Lanka 53.3 29.03 23.94 27.64 West Indies 24.03 40.16 32.79 40.25 39.1 38.52 46.89 34.29 Zimbabwe 43.73 49.00 8. Variation in home spinner bowling averages at host country over each decade. UAE has been treated as a home venue for Pakistan.
Host country 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Australia 87.43 35.81 41.96 32.50 43.95 49.46 49.12 58.13 Bangladesh 21.47 35.4 England 46.27 34.24 37.08 42.09 37.84 35.96 36.49 45.61 India 54.72 32.5 31.37 37.38 44.03 41.72 44.78 41.43 New Zealand 8.44 17.06 24.71 22.30 35.73 35.88 32.47 50.81 Pakistan 24.09 36.09 43.96 47.54 38.85 38.44 42.81 South Africa 33.33 23.17 35.92 37.77 34.19 38.16 42.11 Sri Lanka 27.04 40.49 44.64 36.79 West Indies 39.24 45.86 44.59 38.91 51.55 38.59 35.38 29.98 Zimbabwe 36.4 29.39 25.48 9. Variation in away spinner bowling averages at host country over each decade. UAE has been treated as a home venue for Pakistan.
Host country 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Australia -54.3 -8.32 -1.19 4.96 -7.43 -22.22 -16.51 -20.17 Bangladesh 23.1 2.66 England -1.8 -14.09 -9.58 -9.86 1.38 8.64 1.18 -12.34 India -2.22 -2.9 0.3 -9.76 -11.13 -16.27 -14.01 -15.65 New Zealand 57.06 26.39 13.68 29.26 0.09 7.28 6.92 -3.53 Pakistan 3.89 -7.01 -10.3 -21.3 -5.58 -0.79 -12.8 South Africa 5.04 5.68 12.2 -3.69 2.72 6.08 -2.4 Sri Lanka 26.26 -11.46 -20.7 -9.15 West Indies -15.21 -5.7 -11.8 1.34 -12.45 -0.07 11.51 4.31 Zimbabwe 8.17 14.34 23.52 10. Variation in bowling averages differences (home spin BA- away spin BA) at host country over each decade. UAE has been treated as a home venue for Pakistan.
Time period Country exclusions 1940s NZ 1950s NZ, Pak, SA 1960s 1970s 1980s SL 1990s None 2000s Ban, Zim 2010s WI, Zim 11. List of host countries in each decade where the home team has had a poor record against away spinners (BA<30). These host countries were excluded from the away spinner BA analysis for each decade.
Period No. of spinners with away BA<30 in top countries Min. away wickets taken Number of fast bowlers from spinner’s nation with away BA<30 1940s 15 N.A. 1950s 4 – Benaud (24.95), Tayfield (25.19), Valentine (25.49), Laker (27.13) 25 Aus (4), SA (1), WI (2), Eng (4) 1960s 4 – Mallet (21.18), Howarth (23.72), Benaud (26.96), Gibbs (27.24) Aus (4), NZ (2), WI (1) 1970s 3 – Miller(24.96), Gibbs (29.11), Underwood (29.88) Eng (4), WI (3) 1980s 1 – Harper (29.03) WI (6) 1990s 3 – Warne (27.33), Paul Adams (27.72), Mushtaq Ahmed (29.51) 40 Aus (3), SA (2), Pak (2) 2000s 2 – Warne (23.81), Murali (28.58) Aus (1) 2010s 12. List of spin bowlers with (minimum number of away wicket cutoff applied) BA<30 in each decade against strong opposition. With the except of Muralitharan in the 2000s, every bowler has had a strong fast bowling colleague.