Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma: Disease, Diagnosis, and Therapy
What Is Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL)?
MF and SS/L-CTCL Subtypes
CTCL Affects a Considerable Population, and Incidence Is Increasing
Etiology and Risk Factors for CTCL
WHO Classification 2016: T-Cell Lymphoma
Somatic Single Nucleotide Variants (SSNVs) 75% C > T Transitions
Mutations in Signal Transduction Pathways
Cytokine Expression and Cellular Changes in Early and Late Stages of MF/SS
Th1/Th2 Dichotomy in Progressive CTCL
Functional Polarization Suppresses Normal T-Cell Function and Induces Autocrine Proliferation
Development of T-Cell Clonality Assessment
PROCLIPI Study for MF and SS
PROCLIPI Study: Stage at Diagnosis (n = 693)
Clinical Features of MF
5-Year Survival Rates for MF and SS
Clinical Spectrum: Stages IA and IB
Clinical Spectrum: Stage IB
Patches, Plaques, and Tumors Occurring Simultaneously
Advanced-Stage MF
Key Histologic Features of MF: Histopathology
Key Histologic Features of MF: Immunophenotype
Histologic Features of MF
Folliculotropic MF
Distinct Subtypes of MF
Examples of MF Subtypes
Differential Diagnosis of MF
Defining Early MF
Initial Diagnosis of Suspected MF/SS
TNMB Classification of MF/SS: Current Recommendations
Clinical Staging of MF and SS: Current Recommendations
CTCL Is Associated With Significantly Reduced QoL
Patient-Reported Impact of CTCL
Goals of Therapy for Patients With CTCL in 2018
Due to Its Heterogeneity, CTCL Has No Single, Common Management Plan
Current Treatment Strategies for MF/SS Are Based on Disease Stage
EORTC Recommendations for First-Line Treatment of MF (Stages IA, IB, and IIA)
ESMO Recommendations for Treatment of MF
Interferon-α and Bexarotene
Interferon-α Mono- and Combination Therapy in Cutaneous Lymphomas
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)