The Kite Runner Day 10: Chapters 24-25
Physical and Emotional Scars Which has been more difficult for Amir to overcome, his physical or emotional scars? How has Amir’s identity changed? What predictions can be made for the conclusion of the novel?
Important Points Amir and Sohrab arrive in Islamabad. Amir asks Sohrab if he wants to live in America with him. However, this is a more daunting task than Amir first thought. He goes to the U.S. Embassy for approval to take Sohrab to the U.S. After that fails, he is given the name of an attorney. He says he is scared that Amir or his wife will tire of him. He never wants to go back to an orphanage. Amir promises that won’t happen, and after Sohrab agrees to go to America, Amir calls Soraya to explain everything.
Important Points (continued) This daunting task, leaves Amir questioning if he can take Sohrab. He tells Sohrab that he may have to go back to an orphanage for a short while. Just as Sohrab was becoming more comfortable with Amir, this strains the relationship. After Sohrab was in the custody of Amir he seemed tentative, anxious and withdrawn.
Important Points (continued) Finally, Amir recieves news from Soraya that their friend in the INS can help get a visa for Sohrab. Amir, excited to tell Sohrab the news, unexpectedly finds Sohrab in the bathtub unconscious. Sohrab is rushed to the emergency room. In the hospital waiting area, Amir uses a sheet as a prayer rug and prays for the first time in more than fifteen years.
Important Points (continued) When Sohrab awakes, Amir asks how he feels, but Sohrab doesn’t answer. Amir reads to him, but Sohrab pays no attention. Sohrab tells Amir he is tired of everything. Amir and Sohrab arrive in San Francisco in August 2001.
Important Points (continued) One rainy day in March 2002, Amir takes Sohrab, Soraya, and Kamila to a gathering of Afghans at a park. Amir sees a man selling kites and purchases one to fly with Sohrab. Eventually, Sohrab joins in the kite flying with Amir. Amir asks if he should run the kite for Sohrab, and Sohrab nods. “For you, a thousand times over,” Amir says (p. 371), and sets off running.
Extended Trailer/Screenplay 9Ob7V7ME With a partner, complete the screenplay.