Office of Institutional Effectiveness November 4, 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Institutional Effectiveness November 4, 2014 Review of College Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals for College Council Office of Institutional Effectiveness November 4, 2014

Today’s Discussion Guidelines It’s about ideas and concepts Wording, phrasing and strategies are not the focus (we’ll put them in the parking lot) Where do we want to focus our efforts over the next three - six years? What fits OCC’s culture? What is missing from these broad goals?

Planning Terminology College Vision Mission College Core values (5) A realistic, credible, attractive future for the college Mission Declaration of an organization’s purpose College Core values (5) Enduring beliefs or principles that the college’s individuals hold in common and endeavor to put into action. For OCC, C-L-A-S-S College Strategic Goals (5) Fundamental issues the college must address; they give direction for accomplishing the mission and moving towards the vision Informed by CCCD areas of focus & parallel to OCC values College Strategic Objectives Means of achieving or moving toward a goal. Measurable and quantifiable. Supported by progress measures (SMART) through college-level core indicators/key performance indicators (KPIs) Each objective has a Wing steward(s) for oversight Department/Division Strategies Broadly stated means of deploying resources to achieve goals/objectives Come from Program Review or other specific focus college plan Supported by department KPIs or outcomes assessment Consolidation of strategies leads to revision of or additional college level objectives

OCC Look Out Results Vision Statement – Fine as is?

Vision Statement Current Vision Statement To be the standard of excellence in transforming lives through education

Vision Statement Majority responded indicated no revision needed Of those responding a revision is needed Conceptual changes Include encouragement, focus on success Align with OCC mission statement

OCC Look Out Results Mission – Fine as is?

Mission Statement Current Mission Statement Orange Coast College serves the educational needs of its diverse local and global community. The college empowers students to achieve their educational goals by providing high quality and innovative programs and services leading to academic degrees, college transfer, certificates in career and technical education, basic skills, and workforce development to enable lifelong learning. The college promotes student learning and development by fostering a respectful, supportive and participatory campus climate of student engagement and academic inquiry.

Mission Statement Slight majority (53%) in favor of revision Several suggested revisions were submitted Practical feedback More concise Should be inspiring

Mission Statement Slight majority (53%) in favor of revision Conceptual feedback Include diversity/equity in mission Better define community Emphasize lifelong learning Reconsider use of certain words

IE Goal Review Process Terminology District goals College values College goals Evaluation data Planning assumptions Integration of wing plans; progress towards wing plans Comprehensive evaluation findings (spring 2014)

Review of District goals Recommendation not to duplicate framework for OCC Organization does not align with C-L-A-S-S Goals focused from a district-wide perspective Does not include unique campus-based perspective OCC should build on goals and integrate into our own framework

Review of College VALUES: C-L-A-S-S Easy to remember, still viable Recommendation to use C-L-A-S-S framework for college goals One college goal per value Restructuring needed to meet OCC’s future needs

Restructuring C-L-A-S-S OLD Community Learning Access Stewardship Sustainability NEW Community Learning Access Stewardship (encompasses sustainability) Student & Employee Engagement

Values to Goals COMMUNITY Foster a culture that serves, engages and connects the campus to the local and global community. Focused on external community Local and global communities, including business, labor market, etc Campus community (internal) moves to Student & Employee Engagement goal

Values to Goals LEARNING Assure students receive a quality education with academic support to become self-directed and successful lifelong learners. Focused on instruction, curriculum, academic support and student achievement/learning outcomes

Values to Goals ACCESS Create equitable access through effective and innovative pathways and programs. Focused on student support services, pathways (high schools, summer bridge), basic skills, enrollment management Initiatives from Student Equity Plan and SSSP

Values to Goals STEWARDSHIP Sustain and improve programs, physical and human resources, and infrastructure though processes that ensure accountability, continuous improvement and long-term viability. Expanded definition; now encompasses environmental sustainability Focuses on the intersection between economic, environment and equity (shared governance)

Values to Goals STUDENT & EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Promote active and collaborative participation leading to meaningful connections among people, places and ideas within the college. New area that places a deliberate focus on engagement and the internal community Focused on student engagement concepts (student effort, active/collaborative learning, academic challenge) and employee engagement (teamwork, student focus, campus climate, professional development)

Goal Recap COMMUNITY Foster a culture that serves, engages and connects the campus to the local and global community. LEARNING Assure students receive a quality education with academic support to become self-directed and successful lifelong learners. ACCESS Create equitable access through effective and innovative pathways and programs. STEWARDSHIP Sustain and improve programs, physical and human resources, and infrastructure though processes that ensure accountability, continuous improvement and long-term viability. STUDENT & EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Promote active and collaborative participation leading to meaningful connections among people, places and ideas.