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Presentation transcript:

ESF EVALUATION PARTNERSHIP Evaluation of the ESF support to integration of migrants and ethnic minorities Draft outline Unit 03 Evaluation and Impact Assessment, DG EMPL 11 March 2009, Brussels

Policy context of the evaluation Migrants and ethic minorities - part of Europe's policies for economic and social development and an integral part of the Lisbon Strategy Employment Fundamental rights, non-discrimination, equal opportunities Social inclusion, social protection Education and training

ESF support to migrants and ethnic minorities Activities to support integration of migrants and ethnic minorities eligible in the 2000-2006 ESF Greater emphasis on the issue in the 2007-2013 ESF enhancing access to employment by promoting specific actions for migrants in employment and thereby strengthen their social integration (Article 3(1)(b)(iv)) reinforcing social inclusion of disadvantages people by promoting pathways for integrations and re-entry into employment for minorities (Article 3(1)(c)(i))

ESF interventions in 2007-2013 targeting migrants and ethnic minorities Two tracks approach: Mainstreaming of integration of migrants and ethnic minorities Specific action targeting migrants and ethnic minorities Overview of the ESF OPs 2007-2013 indicates: Many MS include these groups in OPs Some MS do not foresee specific actions in OPs

Purpose of the evaluation To examine intervention logic, type and scope of the ESF support to integration of migrants and ethic minorities in the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 ESF interventions To assess the results of the 2000-2006 ESF interventions To find and illustrate links between results of the 2000-2006 ESF interventions and the current OPs To evaluation added value of the ESF interventions in relation to other programmes (national and European) To provide recommendations for the implementation of the 2007-2013 ESF OPs

Scope of the evaluation ESF Operation Programmes for 2000-2006 ESF Operation Programmes for 2007-2013 The EQUAL Community Initiative MS country reports Thematic report on the ESF support to Roma Representative sample of EU27 Member States

Preliminary evaluation questions (1) (1) What is the intervention logic of the ESF funded measures to support integration of migrants and ethnic minorities? ESF contribution to the broader priorities of social and economic integration of migrants and ethnic minorities

Preliminary evaluation questions (2) (2) What are the type and scope of the ESF funded measures to support integration of migrants and ethnic minorities? specific actions vs mainstreaming specific challenges for integration of migrants and ethnic minorities gender specific objectives involvement of stakeholders

Preliminary evaluation questions (3) (3) What are the effects (outputs, results and impacts) of the ESF funded measures to support integration of migrants and ethnic minorities in terms of employment and social integration? outputs and results produced through the implementation of the ESF interventions conditions for the effectiveness of the ESF interventions sustainability of the outputs, results and impactsof the ESF interventions

Preliminary evaluation questions (4) (4) What are the links between the 2000-2006 and current ESF funded measures to support integration of migrants and ethnic minorities? (5) What ESF added value can be attributed to the ESF support in implementing national policies aiming at integration of migrants and ethnic minorities?

Thematic report - Roma EU and national contextual situation with regard to Roma Characteristic of Roma population in MS Intervention logic(s), instruments, actors involved in the ESF funded measures to support Roma Level of involvement of Roma in planning, design, implementation and monitoring of ESF funded programmes Good practices for increase of level of social inclusion, employment and education of people from Roma, analysis of success factors and obstacles; Examples of lessons transferred from EQUAL projects and mainstreamed in ESF 2007-2013

Issues still to be discuss Definition of migrants and ethnic minorities Scope of thematic analysis: additional report on asylum seekers? Methodology of the evaluation: levels of field work soft outcomes (access to final beneficiaries) availability of statistical data, previous studies and evaluation