location-driven e-services Key Applications Within the next decade, there will be more wireless than wireline subscribers in the world. unified messaging location-driven e-services mobile commerce source: IDC
worldwide e-commerce user prediction users (millions) So are people really going to be accessing the Internet and conducting transactions via mobile devices? The answer is yes. In fact, the number of mobile e-commerce users is expected to surpass the number of fixed e-commerce users worldwide by the year 2003. So the opportunities are very real. source: arc group
Old And New Value Chains The Old Value Chain: supplier manufacturer distributor retailer consumer ….was linear & unidirectional [often one company which was vertically integrated] The New Value Chain: Originator consumer Syndicator Distributor ….endless possible confederations and combinations among firms to provide E-services [many companies involved]
key success factors intangible assets speed & agility degree of networked connectedness customer focus knowledge differentiation
The Intersection Services Infrastructure Appliances
the intersection play brings opportunity for hp
something more than a conventional developer’s forum www.mobile-bazaar.com something more than a conventional developer’s forum - a community of people sharing information and working together for more effective, faster results best solution portfolio available continuous stream of innovative applications current portfolio includes over 250 partners around the world Who is involved: Application developers Technology providers Venture capitalists Systems integrators Customers Hewlett-Packard