Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan Transcaucasia Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Migration gateway between Europe and Asia which led to trade. Trade brought many cultures, languages, and more than 50 different ethnicities. Armenia and Georgia converted to Christianity in 300 AD. Azerbaijan majority are Muslims.
Outside control By 1870, the czars controlled the Transcaucasia region. Between 1917-1920 brief period of independence. 1920s, the Red Soviet Army took control back.
Painful economic and political changes by the Soviets. Collective farms kills agrarian culture Hundreds of thousands of deaths due to famine or protests. Regained independence in 1991. Fighting between ethnicities since 1991.
Economy Agriculture of tea and fruits. Oil industry is the most important in Azerbaijan; “land of flames.” Caspian Sea contains massive amounts of oil.
Azerbaijan “land of flames”
Azerbaijan Capital, Baku, is very metropolitan and wealthy. Rural parts of the country are traditional and not modern. Cease fire with warring country of Armenia over territory. Government is accused of authoritarian rule with no presidential term limits. Large poverty even with abundance of oil.
Georgia People are warm, proud, and high-spirited. One of the most beautiful countries in the world. Relative political stability after independence in 1991 but major ethnic and internal conflicts. Starting in 2008, Georgia has had major problems with Russia over disputed territory in South Ossetia.
Similar to Kurds and Kashmir “Stateless nation”
Armenia Believed to be the 1st Christian nation. 3,000 years as an independent culture on Anatolian Peninsula.
11th century Muslims invade the land and establish the Ottoman Empire. By the 1800s the Ottoman Empire was in serious decline.
Historic homeland of Armenians
The “Young Turks” seized control of the Anatolian Peninsula in 1913. Armenian people stood in the way. Genocide of Armenians began at the hands of the Turks (1915-1923) 1.5 million killed. Turkey’s boarders were established in 1923 took parts of the Armenian homeland.
Young Turks plan for new empire
Armenia and Turkey today Azerbaijan Georgia