J.O. Johnson High School - School Improvement Eric T. Jones Principal October 17, 2013
Progress at J.O. Johnson High School Background on New Administration JOJ Administrative Team: Principal- Eric T. Jones Assistant Principals- Dr. Teresa McDaniel and Roderick Tomlin Administrative Assistant- Mary Beard The team served together as a part of a “Fresh Start” Program at Jackson Central Merry Academy of Medical Technology (JCM) starting in 2009. Title I school in the heart of Jackson, TN that served a demographic of 93% African-American and 90% Free/ Reduced lunch JCM Graduation rate of 57% in 2008 Failed to make “AYP” since the inception of No Child Left Behind in 2002.
Progress at J.O. Johnson High School Background on New Administration Cont. JCM Turn Around: JCM made “AYP” for the first time in the school’s history in 2011 Remained in “good standing” academically through 2012-2013 Increased graduation rate from 57% in 2008 to 91.3% in 2012 Reversed ACT decline for all 11th Grade Students: Raised average ACT Reading Score by 2.8 points Raised average ACT Composite Score by almost 2 points Received National Recognition: Scholastic Magazine, National Association of Secondary School Principals, High Schools That Work, and Doing What Works (U.S. Deptartment of Education)
JO Johnson Vision and Mission All students will graduate prepared for college and career and to become productive citizens in the local and global community. By encouraging a growth mindset, we will empower our students to conquer any obstacle they may encounter through hard work, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in self. Mission To foster a commitment to personal, academic and extracurricular excellence.
Areas of Focus 2013-2014 Creating a Culture of High Expectations Increasing Literacy in All Content Areas Building Relationships with All Stakeholders
Professional Development Our faculty engages in professional development on district provided days and 8 additional Saturdays during the school year. Administrator-led with intentionally focused literacy and instruction. Saturday, September 14 58% Present Saturday, October 12 55% Present JOJ Faculty, PD at Chamber of Commerce
JOJ Faculty Background 57% of faculty is new to JO Johnson Staffing increase: 10% Alabama A&M University of Alabama Cornell University Georgetown University Mercer University University of Maryland Georgia Southern University Temple University Ohio University Elon University University of Kentucky University of Mississippi Union University Kentucky State University Mississippi State University University of Tennessee University of Memphis 2012 2013 English 4 6 Math 4 5 Science 4 5 History 4 4 Foreign Lang 2.5 2 Fine Arts 2 2 Health/P.E. 3 3 Electives 6.5 7 (2 half time teachers) Special Ed 5 5 Teach For America Teachers: 7 Degrees: Bachelors Degree-36% Masters Degree or above 64% Advanced Degrees, 1-Ph.D, 1-EdD, 1-JD (law)
Focus on Math Percent Proficient at Grade Level STAR testing indicates that our 2012-2013 9th graders scored 30% proficient in math in September, 2012. These same students were tested in September of 2013 and 41% scored proficient, suggesting an 11% growth over a year. 2013-2013 10th graders moved from 44% proficient in Sept. of 2012 to 53% proficient in Sept. 2013, suggesting an 9% growth over a year.
Action Steps for Improving Math Proficiency To Raise Math Proficiency, the School System added: Additional math teacher Math XL program for all students Pearson Professional Development Digital Curriculum Instructional Management System (School Net) Aligned Formative Assessments AP Math Support Breakfast After the Bell Title I Math Curriculum Specialist, Ms. Lisa Lucky Scheduling includes moving the Algebra I EOC for struggling students to 10th grade Building faculty capacity through Pearson training All Math teachers provide at least 1 hour of tutoring each week NACEE After school tutoring
Focus on Reading STAR reading data. Sept. 2013 STAR testing indicates 89% of 9th graders read below grade level Reading Data Growth Our 2012-2013 9th grade students scored 17% proficient in Sept. 2012. These same students were 21% proficient in Sept. 2013, a 4 % increase in a year. The 2012-2013 10th grade student proficiency percentages moved from 19% to 24%, indicating a 5% gain over a year. Our 2013-2014 12th graders decreased from 30% in 2012 to just 19% in Sept. 2013.
Action Steps for Reading To Raise Reading Proficiency the District added: English teacher Professional Development Digital Resources Breakfast After the Bell AP English Support Instructional Management System with Aligned Formative Assessment Curriculum Specialist, Dr. Lesa Roberts READ180 Blocked double period for 9th and 10th grade low level readers DEEPER School wide Literacy Instructional Model All English teachers tutor students at least 1 hour per week after school NACEE after school tutoring Professional Development Focus: Vocabulary Close Reading Cross-Curricular Literacy Instructional Strategies
J.O. Johnson Strengths Concluding Thoughts Committed and Effective Faculty Capable, Eager, and Passionate Students Dedicated and Proven Administrative Team School System Support Growing PTA Involvement and Support