Body Condition Score in Dairy Cattle Presented by : Dr. Reza Tahmasbi
INTRODUCTION Using body condition score to fine tune herd nutrition and health management has become a widely accepted practice.
Goals of Body Condition Scoring : Improve herd health , production and reproduction. Early detection of potential health problems . Identify areas for improved feeding management .
Fig 48-1. Metabolic disorders often occur in a predictable sequence or cascade (Courtesy of Dana Boeck)
Areas to Evaluate Short Ribs Hooks Pins Sacral Ligament Thurl Hooks Tailhead Ligament Thurl Pins
BCS 1 Hooks , Pines, Spine & ribs very sharp . Deep cavities around tailhead . Thin legs , poor muscle condition .
BCS 2 V-angle formed between hooks , thurl &pins Visible backbone Tip of short ribs smooth , but visible
BCS 3 : Good Condition More flesh covering backbone . Tip of short ribs smooth . Hook and pins rounded and smooth
BCS 4 : Over- Conditioned Backbone barely visible . Short ribs very smooth, tips barely visible . Hooks and pins very smooth , but visible Flat between hooks and pins
BCS 5 : Severely Over- conditioned All boney prominences rounded & coverd in fat Tailhead buried in fat Fat deposits readily seen on rump & legs
Nutrient and Milk Yield Relationship in the Lactaion and Gestation cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 period Month Freshening Body Stores Used for Milk Production Body Stores REGAINED FOR Next lactation Dry period Rumen Rehab Dry Matter Intake Milk Production Body Weight
BSC and Milk Production BCS at calving : < 2.75 reduced milk yield 3.25 reduced milk yield BCS change after calving : Decrease of 1 BCS unit increase of 930 Ib milk in 305 –d lactation
BCS Changes Over Lactation Efficient , high producing cows do not experience large changes in body condition . Inefficient , Low producing cows increase in BCS over a lactation . Most cows are between these extremes : BCS decrease to about 100 days Then increase until dry- off
Recommended BCS by stage of Lactation BCS Stage of lactation DIM Goal Min Max calving 3.5 3.25 3.75 Early Lactation 1 to 30 3.00 2.75 Peak Milk 31 to 100 2.50 Mid lactation 101 to 200 Late Lactation 201 to 300 Dry Off > 300 dry Butler and Smith , 2005
BCS in Early Lactation Recommended Score : 2.75 to 3.25 Nutritional Objectives : Maximize intake of high energy ration Ration must contain enough protein to support high milk production
Red Flags – Early Lactation BCS < 2.75 and low milk production Too little energy provided in ration. BCS > 3.25 Too little protein provided in ration to support milk production .
BCS at Peak Milk Yield Recommended Score : 2.5 to 3.25 Nutritional Objectives: Maximize intake of high energy ration . Minimize body condition loss and offset negative energy balance.
Red Flags – Peak Milk BCS < 2.25 and low milk production Too little energy provided in ration . BCS > 3.25 Too little protein provided in ration.
BCS in Late Lactation Recommended Score : 3.0 to 3.75 Nutritional Objectives: Replenish body reserves to prepare for next lactation. Avoid over conditioning
Red Flags – Late Lactation BCS < 3 Too little energy provided in ration BCS > 3.75 Too much energy provided in ration Also may result from extended calving intervals
Nutritional Strategies to mange BCS : Feed extra energy in early lactation to offset negative energy balance After Peak Milk : Balance ration to avoid over conditioning. If cows fat at dry-off : Feed average quality grass forages Supplement 3 to 4 pounds of grain
CONCLUSION Body condition scoring is an important animal management practice used by producers as a tool to help optimize production, evaluate health & assess nutritional .