90 Minute Enterprise Challenge Pitch Milo quigley
Introduction to the enterprise challenge. 10 tables of 10 students from the North West Regional College are given the opportunity to come up with their own unique business idea. All students are then able to choose their favourite one, and the one which attracts the most votes will become a launched ‘live event.’ After the 90 minutes, a website will be created, social media accounts will be made and a logo will be designed for the winning business. It will be an exciting event and give all participants the chance to express their talents, individualism and creativity.
The Client – NI Entrepreneur, Tom Griffiths. Entrepreneur, ideas originator, start-up motivator, media figure and author based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Began his journey as an entrepreneur in 1997 and moved to Northern Ireland in 2013 to focus on business consultancy, start-ups and entrepreneurs. One of the founders of gapyear.com – a website designed to help students going on gap year. Successor of a range of Northern Ireland projects, including the love to campaign and brand NI. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomgriffithsni/
The Live Event. Crew list – Camera operators (static and moving cameras), event runners, audio/mic operators, director, production manager, editors. Set up – Room -10 tables of 10 students, 3 tables of judges/’experts’, large projection screen. Equipment – JVC cameras, DSLR’s, microphones, laptops, projector. Location recce – Student zone in the Foyle building of the North West Regional College. Audio set up – As a class, we participated in an audio workshop with Patrick, the technician, whereby he showed us how to connect mics to the cameras and ensure the audio was perfect before production.
Product Specification.