Functions theory © EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2017
What is a function? Functions are predefined calculation tasks or abbreviated formulae
An example … Autosum An EXPRESSION is the entire equation eg =SUM(A7:A15) An ARGUMENT is the part of the function that is in brackets (the range) eg (A7:A15) A FUNCTION is the ‘word’ after the equal (=) sign eg SUM
Excel will … SUM (or add up) the cells starting at A7 and ending at A15 The same as adding A7 + A8 + A9 + A10 + A11 + A12 + A13 + A14 + A15 Autosum appears on the Home Tab Click on the down arrow for other common functions
Insert a Function … You can use the Insert function Wizard You can use + to search for a function
Functions Library Click on the Formula tab Click on a library to see what is available
If function … A function which returns a particular value if the logical test you specify is true, and returns another value if the logical test you specify is false. IF function is a Logical Function Explanation of function IF the value in G7 is more than 30 THEN IF TRUE High Cost will be showing in the answer cell ELSE IF FALSE If it is NOT more than 30 then Low Cost will appear
This is what you would see … Formula bar Whole function is the EXPRESSION (G7>30) is the ARGUMENT IF is the FUNCTION
Let’s hope that helped! But, if it didn’t make much sense – I can go through this again!
Why would I use a function? In business, your workbooks will be generally a lot more complex and a lot larger than the little exercises you are working with
Why else? If you have a worksheet that contains lots of calculations and requires you to produce complex information then look for a function to help you There are so many to choose from Choose one and read the explanation