With Sr. Martina Penuela we visited the Sacred Heart Teachers’ College, where she is teaching.
Visit to the Community of Badili Where we were welcomed by the sisters, the children and teachers of St. Therese’s Primary School.
Community of Badili with Sr. Marife and Sr. Paula
Visit to Limana Vocational Technical School
Finishing with a meal in the Restaurant of the school. Being adressed and presented by one of the teachers in Filipino
Morata Community
The sisters of Bema came to Port Moresby to see us
Visit to Korobosea where two sisters work in the Nunciature
the island of Daru, about one hour’s flight from Port Moresby When we left the plane, we saw that already many people were waiting for us
The rain couldn’t chase In the parish even more people were waiting. The rain couldn’t chase them away!
Words of welcome by the parish priest and by Sr. Noella
Welcomed also with music, dances and lots of presents!!