Welcome to Mrs. Robinson’s Social Studies Class Launch Welcome to Mrs. Robinson’s Social Studies Class 2018-2019
Welcome- I am Mrs. Robinson I have been teaching in Cobb County for 25 years. I am a product of Cobb County Public Schools and graduated from Kennesaw State University. I am married and have a son in the 2nd grade at Still Elementary. I live in Dallas, Georgia
Behavior Plan- 7th Grade 0- Teachable Moment 1-Behavior Mark in Synergy, Student Teacher Conversation, notify parent (S) 2-Behavior Mark in Synergy, silent lunch, notify parent (S) 3-Behavior Mark in Synergy, detention, notify parent (S) 4-Referral, Parent Phone Call (N) 5- Behavioural Interventions (U)
Communication . The best way to reach me is by email. I do not check phone messages. regina.robinson@cobb12.org I will place notes in synergy in the gradebook, so make sure to click into the assignment to see messages. I use remind to send out information as well. I send information to individuals as well as email blasts about what is going on in the classroom. To get these, make sure your email is correct in Synergy. If you have not received one all year then chances are your email is incorrect and only you can make the changes by contacting the front office.
Blogs I update my blog daily. There is a daily blog as well as an AC tab for the AC students to check. The main blog will instruct them when to check their tab. There are tabs across the top that hold other information such as resources by, syllabus, etc. Students are to copy their homework into their agendas, however the homework is also listed on the blog.
Retakes- What is required? EFFECTIVE QUARTER 2: •Students will have to complete all assignments prior to the original summative assessment •Notes, organizers, class work, questions, study guides, performance tasks etc. EFFECTIVE QUARTER 3: •All assignments must be completed (see above) •Students may choose to retake ONE summative assessment per quarter
Our Class Period Smart Skills- Working with skills such as maps, graphs, images, timelines, and political cartoons. Work Session- Students will work independently or together in learn the topic of the day through Text Readings Notes Graphic Organizers Comprehension Questions Activities Circles Diagnostics Formative and Summative Assessments (“Quizzes and Tests”) Homework- Occasionally assigned. Often review or finish something from class.
Circles- Becoming part of our Culture A couple times a month, more if possible, my class engages in Circles. Circles are a time for each student to be involved and support one another during an activity. We have used circles to get to know one another, build community, discuss video facts, share information, review for a test, and even help one another prepare for a test by sharing ways to help remember certain things. Circles are used with staff as well by administration. Restorative Circles are a way to deal with conflicts as well, and our administration is doing a great job at making this part of our culture here at Lovinggood.
Please… Please make sure that your child has a pencil pouch dedicated ONLY to Social Studies (similar to the one pictured) and kept in their SS binder. If you cannot provide this, please reach out to me via email. It should have the following inside Colored Pencils Highlighter Pencils Covered Pencil Sharpener **Often times, the colored pencils and pencil sharpener will have to be replaced in January.
I appreciate you coming tonight Launch Thank You I appreciate you coming tonight