Motivational Monday! You need journals Name Date - November 6, 2017 Class Period Title MM
It is almost the end of the quarter, and we all need a Pep Talk. Watch the video and respond in writing to any combination of the following prompts: Do you agree or disagree with this video as it applies to your own life? Explain. How does this video connect to your life? What does this video say about life in general and how could you apply it to your life?
Partner/Triad Work For partner/triad work - if you are finished completing the front side of “+- Relationship Analysis”, find a partner or two who are also finished and begin the steps below. If you have not finished the handout, finish on your own, and then find a partner or two to complete the following with:
Make a list of the Characters from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Arnold Spirit - Junior Rowdy Mary Spirit Mr. and Mrs. Spirit Grandmother Spirit Gordy Penelope Roger Eugene Mr. P Billionaire Ted Coach
Static Characters Dynamic Characters Flat Characters Partner/Triad Work - Create a chart, or several, like the one below. Place characters in the appropriate boxes - keep in mind that a character can be Static and Round or Flat, but not Static and Dynamic. So characters can be in boxes above and below each other but NOT beside each other. Discuss each choice and Justify how you know each character fits in the boxes you’ve chosen. EACH of you create your own. You can use the back of your Relationship Analysis or notebook paper. Look up the definitions of the different types if you don’t remember. Static Characters Billionaire Ted - We meet Ted only once, but he remains the same even after he finds out the “truth” about the dance outfit. Dynamic Characters Arnold Spirit/Junior - Junior changes significantly from the beginning to the end (provide example to show this) Flat Characters Billionaire Ted - Ted does not have many aspects of his personality (explain) Round Characters Arnold Spirit/Junior Junior has many dimensions to his character (explain)