Reflections on Revising the Guidance: An Evaluation Dr. Thania Paffenholz Oslo 17 February 2011
Improved Evaluation Practice Output Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Impact Improved Evaluation Practice Awareness for/of EVAL + CPPB field Draft Guidance Contribution to better Quality in CPPB work Outcome 3 Results Input 2 DAC Networks + Experts
Evaluation along Criteria Relevance Is the Draft Guidance responding to the needs of CPPB field? Is the Draft Guidance responding to the needs of evaluation field? Effectiveness Intended outcomes: How effectively has the Draft Guidance replied to the needs of the two main target groups: Evaluators and Evaluation Managers? Unintended outcomes: What kinds of other outcomes (positive and negative) have the Draft Guidance so far produced? Sustainability How can the Guidance be used for sustainable learning in CPPB? What kinds of processes have been build-in to ensure follow ups?
Revision: Main Points Structure of Guidance New Overall Structure needs to serve purpose of audiences Evaluation Managers Evaluators (DEV + CPPB) Broader CPPB field New Overall Structure Introduction of CPPB Context Introduction into evaluations General Specificities of CPPB evaluation (incl. conflict sensitivity as eval goal, transversal theme or conduct issue Managing/Preparing an Evaluation Conducting an Evaluation Preconditions for Evaluations -> Planning for Results, Evaluability and closing strategic gap
Revision: Main Points Chapter 2 Managing/Preparing an Evaluation: Points to be added/changed Evaluation’s general focus Evaluation Criteria (DAC + 3C) + transversal themes (e.g. conflict sensitivity, gender) Process Design Elaborate on Conflict Analysis Topic Build-in Quality Control Phases + Reporting (distinction along Types of eval) Politics and other real world risks Build-in Reference/Steering group + ombudsperson Feedback, Dissemination, Learning etc TORs + how they will be adapted after inception phase! (Flexible) budgets Request (potential) evaluators to develop proposal for evaluation design, approaches, methodologies, feasibility
Revision: Main Points Chapter 3: Conducting an Evaluation: much more focus on HOW Overall evaluation designs Distinction between different types + scopes of evaluations Evaluation Approaches: purposes + HOW+ best practice Linking elements + methodology to criteria Relevance: need for conflict analysis + theory of change + HOW to do it with a set of options + examples (incl. sampling) Effectiveness (theory of change), etc. Clarification about impact assessment (impact versus outcomes versus conflict effects) Core challenges Data gathering under constraints including overreliance on interviews + reality based options on HOW incl. sequences + feasibility Politics
Revision: Main Points Conflict / Context Analysis Transparency about HOW, Ownership and USE in Evaluation Adjusting Types of Analysis to Evaluation Goals Elements Historical, Socio-economic context, etc National + local level Conflict Analysis insufficient, more elements needed Analysis of Peacebuilding Context and short, medium and long-term needs Assessing conflict sensitivity of activities: general + context specific definition and assessment (+ options for how, ex. Coverage/partners, power relations => link to conflict analysis) Assessing conflict monitoring capacity/performance Assessing adaptation capacities ‘Conflict’ is not always the good term!!!
Sustainability Draft Guidance follow ups Revision Dissemination in different forms Capacity Building/Training for Eval Managers + (potential) Evaluators Work on Evaluation Culture Awareness Building in different communities DAC EVAL Net to draft harmonized SUPER Guidance How to use the Guidance for Learning in CPPB INCAF to make use of policy lessons Ongoing feedback loop needs to be institutionalised