Mission H2O You are required to work in groups of 3 or 4 to create a water project that will help those in need of fresh and clean water. Include everything in aqua on your lab write up.
Answers these questions What is the major use of water globally? How much water was used globally by industry in 1950? How much was used by industry in 2000? Has water use been increasing or decreasing during the time period shown? Population experts expect the world’s population to increase over the next 50 years. What will that probably mean for water use? How could conservation affect water use?
Global water consumption
Fill in your chart for 3 days
Answer these questions (on the back of your sheet) Which of your activities use the most water? What are some ways you could reduce the amount of water you use weekly?
Personal Data Collection Water usage Monthly Total Yearly Total Drinking water Dishwashing Laundry Brushing Teeth Showering Flushing toilet Other Calculate your total water usage for a month (30 days) Average x 30 a year (365 days). Average x 365 Add two columns to your chart and record your totals.
Answer these questions 3. Based on your weekly usage, how much water do you use in a year? 4. Based on your yearly usage, how much water is used by the United States annually? US Population = 323.1 million
Group Data Collection Display your totals in a new “Team Chart” Water usage Team Daily Totals Drinking water Dishwashing Laundry Brushing Teeth Showering Flushing toilet Other Total Calculate your total water usage for all team members in each of the categories. Average + Average + Average + Average Display your totals in a new “Team Chart”
Answer these questions 1. Which of your activities use the most water? 2. What are some ways you could reduce the amount of water you use weekly? 3. How much water do you use in a year? 4. Based on your yearly usage, how much water is used by the United States annually (yearly)? US Population = 323.1 million (323,100,000)
Create a system 1. Pick an area (country or state) that needs help because they do not have access to clean water. 2. Explain why this area does not have access to clean water (ex. region, climate, natural disaster, etc.) 3. Design a water treatment system for them. 4. Write up a business plan to convince others to invest in your system. Include descriptions, a visual, cost, how you will get the system over there, etc. Water Changes Everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCHhwxvQqxg
Presentation Create a presentation using all members of your group Must include: Group data for your group water usage Area you picked and why Visuals of the water treatment system and how it works Budget of cost that your group wants invested Must be between 2-3 minutes long Share with your teacher
Rubric – Due Friday 9-29-17 Category 4 3 2 1 Product Students create an original, accurate and interesting product that adequately addresses the issue Students create an accurate product that adequately addresses the issue. Students create an accurate product but it does not adequately address the issue. The product is not accurate. Brainstorming Problems Students identify 4 or more reasonable, insightful problems/issues that need to change. Students identify at least 3 reasonable, insightful problems/issues that need to change. Students identify at least 2 reasonable, insightful problems/issues that need to change. Students identify less than 2 reasonable, insightful problems/issues that need to change Solutions Students identify 4 or more reasonable, insightful possible solutions/strategies to encourage change. Students identify at least 3 reasonable, insightful possible solutions/strategies to encourage change. Students identify at least 2 reasonable, insightful possible solutions/strategies to encourage change. Students identify fewer than 2 reasonable, insightful possible solutions/strategies to encourage change. Statistical Data (graphs, charts, diagrams, visuals) Students include 4 or more high quality examples or pieces of data to support their product campaign. Students include 3 high quality examples or pieces of data to support their product campaign. Students include 2 high quality examples or pieces of data to support their product campaign. Students include 1 high quality example or piece of data to support their product campaign. Quality Students include 4 or more high quality sources. Information in all source citations is correct and neatly formatted. Students include 3-4 high quality sources. Information in all source citations is correct, but there are formatting errors. Students include 2-3 sources, but some are of questionable quality. Information in all source citations is correct, but there are formatting errors. Students include fewer than 2 sources. Information source citations is often incorrect or there are major formatting errors.