Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program ICTAP Program Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan August 18, 2005
ICTAP Mission The mission of the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP) is to provide free technical assistance to enhance interoperable communications between local, State, and Federal emergency responders and public safety officials to cities and States that have received grants from the Department of Homeland Security.
ICTAP Goals Enhance Public Safety Interoperability with regard to WMD terrorism threats Provide capability for individuals and agencies to communicate with whom they need to whenever, and wherever required. Leverage existing Federal, State and local on-going efforts whenever possible. To provide end-to-end planning, system design, implementation and follow-up services.
Current ICTAP Sites
ICTAP Services Facilitation of strategic plans Development of interagency work processes Development of representative working groups Regional strategic coordination for multiple UA’s and/or States Coordination of urban area and national policy issues Policy Services
Needs Analysis Services ICTAP Services Inventory existing interoperable communications equipment, procedures, and capabilities Map interoperable communications capabilities and methods Conduct a communications gap analysis Model current & proposed interoperable communications capability performance Develop IC tabletop exercises Needs Analysis Services
ICTAP Services Draft updates to operating procedures and communications plans Conduct coverage analyses Evaluate communications sites Evaluate interoperable communications technologies Conduct system feasibility studies Evaluate procurement documents Coordinate host site agreements Solutions Services
Implementation & Interoperability Services ICTAP Services Develop Tactical Interoperability Communications Plans Document SOPs, MOUs, MOAs Provide engineering advice and best practices Develop test and training scenarios Conduct tabletop exercises Coordinate NIMS training Implementation & Interoperability Services
ICTAP Team Office of State & Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (SLGCP) Urban Area Security Initiative ICTAP program oversight Lafayette Group & SEARCH Planning & Operational Support Program management support for ODP Local government / public safety coordination U.S. Navy (SSC-SD) Engineering Support Engineering/Technical support Technical design and Implementation Invertix Corporation Programmatic Support Strategic Planning
Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) All UASI sites (as well as designated jurisdictions within states that do not have a UASI) are required to develop a Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan FY 2005 Grant Guidance
Tactical Interoperability Must be rapidly deployable at any time (24/7) Should be fully operational within an hour of an incident occurring. Requires oversight by trained Communications Unit Leaders, as defined within the NIMS, to support equipment deployment. May be provided through the use of common equipment (common channels, cached radios or shared systems) or a gateway between dissimilar systems and/or radio frequency bands; Should always be in support of long-term interoperability by building upon or accelerating long-term strategies and efforts.
Tactical Plan Requirements Plan must achieve tactical interoperable communications across all jurisdictions in the urban area. ODP will release specific guidance on the tactical interoperable communications requirement in the National Planning Guidance this month. (April 1, 2005) Grantees will have twelve months from the release of the guidance to develop the tactical interoperable communications plan. (May 1, 2006) Grantees will have one year following the submission of the tactical interoperable communications plan to validate the plan as part of the cycle of multi-jurisdictional exercise activities required for the IED scenario. (May 1, 2007)
TICP Plan. Guidance and Template Developing a Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan and Validation TICP Plan. Guidance and Template Released April 1, 2005 Site’s Submit TCIP May 1, 2005 Tabletop (Operational) Exercise Live IED Exercise Validation May 1, 2007 Document TICP 12 months Validate TICP 12 months TICP Milestones
Plan Components Site Overview Governance Structure Interoperable Equipment Equipment Policies and Procedures Incident Communications Resource Plan Communications Unit Leader Training
TICP Template
Governance Structure UAWG Operational Working Group: Responsible for determining operational and training requirements Technical Working Group: Responsible for identifying existing interoperable equipment and methods Reviewing existing SOPs and apply as appropriate to anticipated incidents. Developing formal written guidelines and checklists (SOPs), preferably by type of incident (including each element of CBRNE); Ensuring that SOPs and checklists follow ICS/NIMS standards. Coordinating agency participating in NIMS Communication Unit Leader training. Coordinating with Technical Working Group as appropriate to include technical guidelines and checklists into written plans. Evaluating alternative solutions to address unmet needs for communications interoperability during potential incident types. Reviewing potential solutions with the Operational Working Group to identify the most appropriate ones for anticipated types of incidents Prepare solution recommendations and budgets for adoption by the Governance Group.
TICP Governance Structure Recommended Components TICP Full Committee (Governance Group) Operational Working Group Technical UAWG (or equivalent) Review and Sign Off Authority Coordinate and Draft Plan Develop Incident Comms Plan based on IED Scenario Compile Equipment Information Develop Equipment Policies & Procedures Coordinate Training Plan
TICP Templates
Collect Interoperable Equipment Collect pertinent information on interoperable equipment Cached Radios Gateways Shared Channels Shared Systems ICTAP will meet with agency POCs to collect information Following TICP submission, data will be entered into CASM and can be updated / expanded through the web-based ICTAP Data Collection Tool
Data Collection Forms for TICP Consistent with TICP Template MS Word Form document Insert directly into TICP Pull-down menus Form for each Category: Swap Radios Shared Channel Gateway Shared System Instructions & Guidance in separate pdf file Help on each field by pressing F1 ICTAP has created forms to assist Urban Areas in collecting relevant information on Interoperable Communications Equipment
TICP Template Section 4. Policies & Procedures for Interoperable Equipment For each category of Equipment, document, as appropriate: Technology Overview Rules of Use Interoperable Communications Request Procedures Equipment Activation Equipment Deactivation Problem ID and Resolution
Equipment Policies & Procedures Will be documented / developed for all interoperable equipment in the UASI Policies will address operational aspects such as: Rules of Use Interoperable Communications Request Equipment Activation Equipment Deactivation Problem ID and Resolution ICTAP will facilitate meetings to develop policies and provide examples from other agencies.
TICP Templates
Incident Communications Resource Plan Detail what method or specific interoperability resources will be used for multi-agency communications during an incident Plan will address communications for the following specific sections as defined by ICS Incident Command Staff Operations Section Planning Section Logistics Section ICTAP will facilitate meetings to develop plan based on analysis of equipment lists and policies/ procedures.
Incident Communications Plan Incident Communications Plan – ICS 205 Specific to an incident or scenario Geographically Scope – number of jurisdictions and disciplines Scale – number of responders Part of the Incident Action Plan (ICS 201, etc.) Identifies resources, functional assignments, and technical parameters
Incident Communications Plan Graphically, it might be represented like this …. Command 1 Talk Group Intercity Gateway Law Intercity Fire Red
Communications Unit Leader Training Training Curriculum is being developed by the NIMS Integration Center in cooperation with SAFECOM and ODP For the TICP, Section 6 should include the POC information for those individuals who will receive Communications Unit Leader training once the curriculum is completed.
Discussion Governance: Is operational viewpoint represented? Participants: What disciplines / agencies? Equipment: Already collected? Proposed Process? Policies & Procedures: Already in place? Other: ????
Discussion Governance: Is operational viewpoint represented? Participants: What disciplines / agencies? Equipment: Already collected? Proposed Process? Policies & Procedures: Already in place? Other: ????