TODAY Pronunciation Practice Review from Tuesday Brief lecture Discussion Exercises With the time left? More pronunciation practice! YAAAAAY!!!!!
Usually (YOU-ZHU-uh-lee) More Practice L Color Will Th Other Mouth S Athens Answer Asset Something Seventh R Sorry Roll Row Raw World (WERE – uld) Filth (FILL – TH) Oil (OY – l) Civil (SIV- ul) Usually (YOU-ZHU-uh-lee)
QUICK REVIEW Describe “attitude” to me. Give me an example! What is “Beatlemania,” and why do they call it that? What is a cover song? (What would it mean if I “covered a song?”) What is another word for “hint?”
NOW YOU SPEAK Choose a partner. You will talk in pairs for this exercise. Do the exercise on page 88. I will walk around and listen. Tell your partner a story about something that happened in your childhood. Make sure you listen carefully to what your partner says!
FOR FRIDAY…. I’ll deliver my own lesson. I have chosen lyrics (words to a song) from the video on the website. Choose one of the lyrics: Tell me what you think it means. Give your opinion; tell me what you think about it Tell me how it applies to or fits into your life You should email this assignment to me. Next Friday, each of you will give a two minute speech based on what you wrote to me.
THIS TIME, MAKE GROUPS OF 4 Discussion exercise on page 89. I’ll give you 5 minutes to write down some ideas of what you would like to talk about. Tell your group about something interesting that you did or that happened to you in high school. Ways you can start talking about the past:
Usually (YOU-ZHU-uh-lee) More Practice L Color Will Th Other Mouth S Athens Answer Asset Something Seventh R Sorry Roll Row Raw World (WERE – uld) Filth (FILL – TH) Oil (OY – l) Civil (SIV- ul) Usually (YOU-ZHU-uh-lee)