1st AMENDMENT 1791 Freedom of… Are these rights unlimited? Religion Speech Press Assembly Right to redress grievances Are these rights unlimited?
2nd AMENDMENT 1791 Right to bear arms A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep & bear Arms, shall not be infringed
No quartering of soldiers during peace time 3rd AMENDMENT 1791 No quartering of soldiers during peace time
No unreasonable search & seizure 4th AMENDMENT 1791 No unreasonable search & seizure
Right to… 5th AMENDMENT 1791 No forced self-incrimination No double jeopardy A grand jury
6th AMENDMENT 1791 Right to… A speedy, public, jury trial Know the charges A lawyer Confront witnesses testifying against you Call your own witnesses
7th AMENDMENT 1791 Right to… A jury trial for suits of over $20.00
Right to… No excessive bail/fines No cruel/unusual punishments 8th AMENDMENT 1791 Right to… No excessive bail/fines No cruel/unusual punishments
Right to… Other rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution 9th AMENDMENT 1791 Right to… Other rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution
10th AMENDMENT 1791 Powers not delegated to the national government are reserved for the states
Let’s play a based on Amendments 1-10
Principle of state sovereign immunity from certain lawsuits 11th AMENDMENT 1795 Principle of state sovereign immunity from certain lawsuits
12th AMENDMENT 1804 Changed the procedure for how the Electoral College choses the president & vice president 1800 election – Federalist John Adams had Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson (his political opponent) as his vice president 1804 – 12th amendment allowed the president to choose his v.p. running mate
13th AMENDMENT 1865 Abolished slavery
14th AMENDMENT 1868 Define citizenship to include all natural-born Americans (including newly freed slaves) & guaranteed due process & equal protection of the laws How representation in Congress is calculated & how one may be disqualified from holding office Slave owners won’t be compensated for losing slaves as property
Granted voting rights to African Americans (newly freed slaves) 15th AMENDMENT 1870 Granted voting rights to African Americans (newly freed slaves)
Gave Congress the power to lay & collect income taxes 16th AMENDMENT 1913 Gave Congress the power to lay & collect income taxes
17th AMENDMENT 1913 Detailed the popular election of Senators & the number per state Gave the president the right to fill vacancies in the Senate
Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol 18th AMENDMENT 1919 Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol
Granted voting rights to women 19th AMENDMENT 1920 Granted voting rights to women
Let’s play another based on Amendments 11-19
20th AMENDMENT 1933 Pushed forward the succession of the incoming president & members of Congress to lessen the amount of time for a ‘lame duck’ public official (March 4th to Jan. 20th) Detailed the succession of president Moved back the date for the 1st meeting of Congress (Dec. 3rd to Jan. 3rd)
Repealed the 18th Amendment (ending Prohibition) 21st AMENDMENT 1933 Repealed the 18th Amendment (ending Prohibition)
Set presidential term limits (2 terms) 22nd AMENDMENT 1951 Set presidential term limits (2 terms)
23rd AMENDMENT 1961 Granted the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) representation in Congress (2 Senators & a proportionate number of Representatives based on population) & in the Electoral College
24th AMENDMENT 1964 Prohibited the use of poll taxes as a way to prevent African Americans from voting
25th AMENDMENT 1967 Details the succession of the President, should he/she be unable to perform his/her duties & the duties of the vice president in such circumstances
Lowered the voting age to 18 (from 21) 26th AMENDMENT 1971 Lowered the voting age to 18 (from 21)
Took 200 years to be ratified 27th AMENDMENT 1992 Congress can’t vote to give themselves a pay raise during their same term in office Took 200 years to be ratified
Let’s play another based on Amendments 20-27