Transition to Primary School “Everything will be alright!”
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4 Bad Disciplining Habits
4 Bad Discipline Habits Try this instead: Use eye contact 1…2…3 1) Nagging We all nag. And we all know how fruitless it is. Either your child respond with frustration (“I know lah….”) or he ignores you. Try this instead: Use eye contact 1…2…3
4 Bad Discipline Habits Try this instead: Breathing No-eye Contact 2) Yelling We all do it, and we all feel guilty every time we do. Even if it does occasionally get results, it just teaches your child that it's OK to raise his voice when he's angry. Try this instead: Breathing No-eye Contact
4 Bad Discipline Habits Try this instead: Say what you mean 3) Issuing empty warnings A good warning can be an effective discipline strategy. The problem comes when you threaten in anger, grossly exaggerate, or fail to be specific. Try this instead: Say what you mean Mean what you say
4 Bad Discipline Habits Try this instead: You This/We Boxing method 4) Giving the cold shoulder While removing a privilege can be an effective penalty, turning away from your child when she wants to kiss and make up or giving her the silent treatment after she's misbehaved can make her feel unworthy of your love and affection. Try this instead: You This/We Boxing method
“Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” ~Robert Fulghum
Transition to Primary School The most important year of your child’s life, is not just PSLE. It’s the entire childhood years... Thank you!