The Big And Far Math Challenge Demonetization Amit Londhe ICC
SolrWriter Indexes data Solution Diagram Visualization REST Tweet Retriever Sentiment Finder News Retriever Scrape SolrWriter Indexes data GeoLocation Retriever GeoLocation Analyzer REST
Implementation Collected ~16K tweets from Kaggle and Twitter REST APIs Programmatic scraping ~3K News Headlines using Spring REST, JSoup APIs along with RegEx Geospatial Data scraped using KMLs obtained from Google Maps NearBy API<api_key>/nearby_search?lat=19.020782&lng=73.028693&code=FINATM&page=1 Use for finding out News headline and Tweet Sentiments Used Google Chart to render the visualization of Tweets and News Headlines Used Google Map JavaScript APIs to plot ATM deserts
Primary Questions Where should banks have considered placing mobile ATMs to best speed up the process? Proposed solution selects few Hospitals and Schools in Mumbai Uses MapMyIndia’s NearBy APIs to find out ATMs near this Point of Interests Mark as Desert if the POI does not have “n” ATMs within 1 mile
Primary Questions Which ATMs and bank branches were over-crowded? Suggested Solution (Not implemented) Crowd Sourced mobile app could have been built to collect the data - Data points could be check-in time and check-out time Location can easily be obtained by Mobile device Generate Heat Map using Google Maps to see crowded locations Provision measures such as additional mobile ATMs based on it.
Secondary Questions To what extent does social media data support the study and analysis of the effects of demonetization? Downloaded tweets (last few days of Nov’16) from kaggle dataset In addition to those, ingested the Tweets using Twitter REST APIs (can only download past 7 days worth of data free) Analyzed those tweets for sentiments Create different charts and word tree to study the effect
Secondary Questions What are the main sentiments expressed by the public and how have they changed since November 8th? News headlines collected from different sources Run through sentiment analysis Word tree created out of news titles Demo
References Tweets about Demonetization between Nov 26th to Nov 30th Latest tweets about Demonetization – Twitter REST API ( Up to last 7 days) Apache Solr
References Sentiment Analysis of News Headlines and Tweet Geospatial Data NearBy API<api_key>/nearby_search?lat=19.020782&lng=73.028693&code=FINATM&page=1 Visualization Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery Google Maps JavaScript APIs Google Charts