SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG Event-Driven Busines Process Management taking the example of DHL R. v. Ammon, C. Emmersberger, F. Springer, C. Wolff Vienna 08/09/28
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 3 Introduction into Complex Event Processing (CEP) A master course Event Driven Business Process Management DHL Use Case - First experiences from the DHL-Project Agenda
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 4 passwdchange account login deposit activity history withdrawal logout account balance transfer deposit new auto pay enquiry logout passwdchange new auto pay account login deposit activity history withdrawal logout account login transfer deposit new auto pay enquiry logout event cloud with thousands of events per sec… …e.g. above a bank event patterns and complex event processing… The important steps: 1. Redesign the business processes for SOA and BPM 2. Make a SOA, identify services, build WSDL-interfaces… 3. Precise description of patterns of events 4. Detecting patterns in the event cloud 5. Abstraction of complex event pattern instances to higher level events Sensor Big Picture: Monitoring Business Proceses and Activities
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 5 … … Business Process 1 … exitService_1 startedService_1 startedService_3 exitService_3 startedService_2 exitService_2 startedService_4 exitService_4 startedService_6 exitService_6 startedService_5 exitService_5 startedService_7 exitService_7 startedService_8 exitService_8 Low level events without semantics Visualization of the processed/correlated events via Business Activity Monitoring The Pain Point: The Event Cloud, todays IT-Blindness and the Event Tornado Business Process n
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 6 The Challenge and the Principle of BPM/BAM/CEP AppServer Monitor / Analyze / Act Workflow Modeler Event Modeler Enterprise cockpit Event Store realize scenario process instances set parameters analyse history… Low Level Event Clouds / Streams Adapters e.g. RFID, topics of Pub/Sub, … Normalized events, build business level events Workflow Engine based on BPEL Rules Engine special SQL resp. other languages IF … AND … FOLLOWED BY… WITHIN… ACTION Scenario e.g. credit offers (completed) e.g. payments calculate pott, offer rates, profit… workflows Domain specific reference models for event patterns
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 7 Forecast of Prof. David Luckham: we need skilled people at least up to 2050… we are only at the end of the period of Simple CEP Forcast of ED-BPM for the next decades
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 8 The forecast of ED-BPM for the next decades The warning of Roy Schulte (VP of Gartner) since 2006… …we wont have enough skilled people who would be able to do all the jobs and projects The statement of Prof. Mani Chandy (California Techical University) at the Gartner Event Processing Summit 2007… …The work of IT during the next twenty years will be to complete the evolution of business processes from sequences of slow- moving, disjointed applications to more responsive end-to-end, event-based straight-through flows of action.
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 9 A proposal for a curriculum of a new Master course of study Event-Driven Business Process Management Draft V0.1 Mastercourse-EDBPM-v01.doc ( The business modeller and the event modeller – different qualifications not in personal union Description: Curriculum together with required credits and examinations Certificate: Master of Science Programme Duration: Four Semesters (120 credits/cr)
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 10 The business modeller and the event modeller – different qualifications not in personal union Concept: The course consists of the fields of study Business Process Management, Complex Event Processing, Business Activity Montoring included Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, Computer Networks, Messaging as well as several application disciplines like Algorithmic Trading, Supply Chain Management in the retail domain, fraud detection in the banking and insurance domain etc. All courses are completed with course-related tests and Credits (cr) according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) are awarded. All courses are given in English and are designed as distance learning/eLearning courses.
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 11 Current research work and projects in ED-BPM Previous Work Several Proof of Concept (PoC) Implementations PoC in the logistics domain in cooperation with Deutsche Post AG and Oracle Event Driven Business Process Management taking the Example of Deutsche Post AG, An evaluation of the Approach of Oracle and the SOPERA Open Source SOA Framework (C. Emmersberger, F. Springer; September 07 – March 08) PoC in the finance domain in cooperation with Teambank Application for monitoring the credit application easyCredit of Team Bank and the evaluation of several CEP approaches (H.-M. Brands, D. Guschakowski; 2007)
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 12 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Event-Driven Business Process Management (EDBPM) is a combination of two different disciplines: –Business Process Management (BPM): Deals with the management of business processes with the approach to increase the efficiency, flexibility and technology integration of the business. Business Processes describe the unique way of doing business. Today they are seen as the most valuable asset of a corporation. –Complex Event Processing (CEP): A concept that deals with handling multiple events within an event cloud to identify meaningful event patterns. It is an emerging technology for obtaining relevant situation knowledge from distributed systems in realtime (= event time + processing time) to monitor or react on emerging errors. EDBPM Background and Definition =>EDBPM could improve the business
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 13 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM PoC investigates the feasibility of combining Oracles tools for BPEL, CEP and BAM with the latest Sopera Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Use case serves a PoC implementation for a solution combing the goals of service-oriented architecture (SOA) with the advantages of CEP Use case contains a typical business process at Deutsche Post addressing shipping,monitoring/investigation and claim Sopera services are orchestrated through Oracles BPEL engine and implement the process functionalities. They are capable to send events. Oracles CEP Engine queries the events and sends results to the BAM application for displaying and alerting purpose Logistics Use Case for EDBPM C. Emmersberger, F. Springer: Event Driven Business Process Management taking the Example of Deutsche Post AG, An evaluation of the Approach of Oracle and the SOPERA Open Source SOA Framework Example: extract of shipment process
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 14 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Simplified Illustration of Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Shipment Investigation Claim
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 15 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Development: Service development in SOPERA Service orchestration in Oracle BPEL Setup events, which should be sent from the Notification Receiver (event service). Settings are defined as SOPERA policies in XML Development of CEP patterns in Oracle CEP with CQL Design of reports for the BAM dashboard in Oracle BAM External events (e.g. traffic) Runtime: Execution of a business process in the BPEL Engine Notification Receiver deals as event service. Creates and sends business and technical events to a specified endpoint (BAM, CEP) Complex Event Processing in Oracle CEP Process reporting in Oracle BAM Simplified Illustration of Components and Interaction
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 16 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Hurdle: Oracle BPEL Engine and SOPERA are running isolated from each other The SOPERA Web service has no information about the process which has executed the service CEP has no chance to connect events coming from Oracle BPEL with SOPERA Service events Task: Connect the independent events Solution: Enhancing the message payload with BPEL process information. BPELContent includes the filed ProcessID as an unique identifier for an executed process BPELContent is sent every time when a service is called during process execution. This mechanism closes the gap between Oracle and SOPERA Hurdle: Merging Event Information of Oracle and SOPERA BPELContent BPEL event Service event
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 17 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Intrusive generated events: Service has to implement code for event generation Disadvantage: –Existing code has to be changed (e.g. a bank would not allow to change existing code) –Business functionality and monitoring have to work independent. Service should provide only business functionality. Advantage: –Information which is not part of the payload can be used Non-intrusive generated events: Information is extracted out of the payload and the service with adapters and sensors. The extracted information has to be merged to an event. Disadvantage: Only payload and public service information can be part of an event Advantage: Service Code has not to be changed Service has not to deal with monitoring functionality SOPERA Differences in Event Generation
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 18 DHL Use Case – A Logistics Use Case for EDBPM Aggregation and correlation to business level complex events Several event types influence the business process: Process events: happening during process execution and Business events: providing business content, e. g. parcel allocated to truck Technical events: providing technical content, e. g. service not available External events: events occur outside the business process, but also influencing the process, e. g. weather, traffic
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 19 CONCLUSION The Paper Provides: –First link between BPM and CEP –Main concepts of both technologies in a general reference model for EDBPM Summary: –EDBPM is able to detect possible errors within a business process using CEP technology and alert responsible persons using BAM –Added business value compared to pure BPM solutions, but currently hard to implement Perspective: –Automatic reaction on errors has to be implemented in future solutions, e.g. conditional decision and reaction logic –Additional use cases can be defined for various domains and first projects on the basis of such Event Driven BPM platforms start in 2008 –Research projects for a faster set-up of EDBPM are currently under preparation Detailed Information: –Further information about the PoC can be seen on in a video presentation hold on the 6th CEP/BAM expert meeting in Regensburg
SENACOR TECHNOLOGIES AG SEITE 20 Current research work and projects in ED-BPM Tasks for the future Analyzing different domains and provide CEP patterns and best practices for each domain Current PhD thesis: Domain Specific Reference Models for Complex Event Processing Patterns in the domain of Finance/Banking (F. Springer) Domain Specific Reference Models for Complex Event Processing Patterns in the Automotive Domain (C. Emmersberger) Domain Specific Reference Models for Complex Event Processing Patterns in the Retail Domain (T. Paulus)