2/8/11 TEA Mathematics Curriculum Update Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics Everly Broadway, Ed.D., Director of Mathematics Lindsey Perry, Assistant Director of Mathematics 2/8/11 1
Higher Expectations •College and Career Readiness Standards •End of Course Tests •Graduation Requirements
Twelfth Graders Eleventh Graders Eighth graders Where are they in 2010-2011? Twelfth Graders First class to have 4 X 4 RHSP Eleventh Graders First 8th grade class affected by SSI grade advancement requirements Eighth graders First class to have end-of-course assessments as a graduation requirement 13
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (AQR) At its January meeting, the State Board of Education approved for second reading and final adoption 19 TAC Chapter 111, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Mathematics, Subchapter C, High School, §111.37, Advanced Quantitative Reasoning (One Credit). TEKS will be available soon in the Texas Register. PEIMS code is expected to be available in March. 14
Algebra Readiness Components Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points (TxRCFP) Professional Development Math supplemental diagnostic screening instrument Grants to districts Website: (TXAR) Texas Algebra Ready---http://txar.org/
Algebra Readiness Components TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Algebra Readiness Components Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points (TxRCFP) Mathematics Professional Development Academies MSTAR Universal Screener Grants to Districts http://www.txar.org/index.html
Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points Directions for Presenter: Italics Information for Presenter to Convey: Bold Give participants some time to look through their whole grade level in the TXRCFP publication. Provide explanations for Continuing Experiences and Introductory Experiences using the following statement: “All TEKS statements that did not fit into one of the three or four categories in a grade level were skills that either introduced material that would become a focus in a later grade or continued or extended material from a previous grade.” Source: Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points for Kindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics http://www.txar.org/focalpoints.html
Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points K-8 Aligns student expectations to key topics (focal points) Emphasizes integration of concepts across the strands/skills that naturally leads to mathematical connections and higher-level thinking Identifies critical areas that connect and integrate mathematical proficiency and understanding Deep and complex level of understanding What are the major differences between the SEs organized by CFPs and those organized by strands? The SEs in the CFPs are organized around big ideas that emphasize integration of concepts across the strands/skills and lead naturally to mathematical connections and higher-level thinking. The strands are organized around single topics that tend to lead to teaching isolated topics that are then checked off. The CFPs highlight connections among the SEs. For example, the word “proportionality” appears on all of the magnifying glass cards with the exception of 8.1A. A CFP encourages the integration of both application and computation. A CFP’s grouping of student expectations provides the opportunity for more in-depth study of a concept. Why can a student expectation be included in more than one CFP? Mathematics is not a set of skills to be taught in isolation. But rather, mathematics is like fabric with skills being the threads woven together to create the completed cloth. Building connections among concepts is the means to creating strength and durability in students’ understanding of mathematics. How might using the SEs organized by CFPs impact instruction? By integrating concepts: Teaching the concept of (8.6A) generating similar figures using dilations should also use rational numbers in various forms (8.1B). Include (8.6A) connections between similar figures and (8.10A) effect on perimeter and area when dimensions are changed (8.10A The CFPs develop a mathematical idea or theme, which allows teachers to prioritize and determine where they could spend the most classroom instruction time. The CFPs provide for more integration of problem-solving as a vehicle for strengthening computational skills. All TEKS statements that did not fit into one of the three or four categories in a grade level were skills that either introduced material that would become a focus in a later grade or continued or extended material from a previous grade.”
Current Professional Development TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Current Professional Development ESTAR MSTAR Academy I (Part A) MSTAR Academy 1 (Part B-- online follow-up) GATAR Algebra I EOC Success We recognize for students to be successful in a rigorous Algebra II course and pass an End of Course exam in Algebra II they need to arrive in high school algebra ready. Algebra readiness begins before high school. The largest piece is MSTAR. Why?
Summer 2011 MSTAR Academy I (Part B) Completion MSTAR Academy II Geometry EOC Success Algebra II EOC Success Algebra II & Geometry – Summer 2011
Goal: Algebra Readiness Mathematics Professional Development Academies MSTAR EOC Success ESTAR Goal: Algebra Readiness
All of the Algebra Readiness Professional Development emphasizes levels of understanding.
MSTAR Academy I Professional Development Overview Days 1-3: Face-to-Face or Online Introductory Training Days 4-5: Professional Development through Online Courses Day 6: Face-to-Face Training MSTAR Academy I: Review and Needs Assessment (prerequisite) Choice of Four 2-hour Online Courses MSTAR Academy I: Lesson Study Model Implementation MSTAR Universal Screener Overview TELLIT : Math Cognitive Learning Environment TELLIT : Math Linguistic Learning Environment TELLIT : Math Affective Learning Environment Fraction/Decimal Relationships & Operations More About RtI Tier II for the Math Learner Addressing the G/T Math Learner Through RtI Addressing the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) in Math Why are they different, how do 5&6 vs 7&8 fit together?
Focus on RTI and Tier II Intervention Summer 2011 Face-to-face 2 days MSTAR Academy II TASA/TASB 9/25/10 MSTAR Academy II Targeted at grades 5-8 Focus on RTI and Tier II Intervention Summer 2011 Face-to-face 2 days
Geometry EOC Success Academy TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Geometry EOC Success Academy Focuses on strategies to prepare students for success on the EOC assessment Explores hands-on, student-centered lessons Strengthens connections to CCRS and ELPS Applies RtI and G/T strategies Available through ESCs Summer 2011; 2 days
Algebra II EOC Success Academy TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Algebra II EOC Success Academy Focuses on strategies to prepare students for success on the EOC assessment Explores hands-on, student-centered lessons Strengthens connections to CCRS and ELPS Applies RtI and G/T strategies Available through ESCs Summer 2011; 3 days These math Professional Development academies are only the beginning. Our goal is to empower all teachers so that their students are successful in HS and beyond.
National Mathematics Advisory Panel Final Report 2008
National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP) Recommendations 5/3/2019 National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP) Recommendations Three Critical Foundations of Algebra Fluency with whole numbers Fluency with fractions Particular aspects of geometry and measurement In our MSTAR initiative, we have focused on those focal points that directly impact students’ readiness for success in algebra. These critical foundations include Fluency with whole numbers Fluency with fractions Particular aspects of geometry and measurement
5/3/2019 An RtI Model
Focused Core Curriculum/Instruction Tier I Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points (TXRCFP/TEKS) 100% 85% Directions to Presenter: Italics Information for Presenter to Convey: Bold As part of the MSTAR (Middle-School Students in Texas: Algebra Ready) effort and the Algebra I EOC Success effort, discussions about Quality Tier I instruction are taking place. If the blue rectangle represents 100% of the students who are enrolled in Algebra II, (first click) the light blue rectangle represents the minimum amount of students who should achieve success during original, or Tier I, instruction (85%). (Second click) The light green rectangle represents the amount of students experiencing success based on current Algebra I EOC data (which is skewed based on who is taking the assessment.) (Third click) The arrows represents “the target” of this professional development.
MSTAR Universal Screener Based on algebra-readiness content from TxRCFP, grade 5-8 Designed to be administered in fall, winter, and spring Used as a formative assessment system to support instructional decisions Assesses Foundation, Bridging, and Target knowledge representations Available 2010-2011 on TMSDS
Connections Across the Knowledge Representations TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Connections Across the Knowledge Representations Bridging Knowledge and Skills Foundational Knowledge and Skills Target Knowledge and Skills Directions for Presenter: Italics Information for Presenter to Convey: Bold Have participants at their tables choose one focal point from Grades 5-8 and discuss how they might describe each of these levels for that focal point.
MSTAR Universal Screener Performance Levels
MSTAR Universal Screener Reports Class Performance Summary Report MSTAR Comparison Reports Comparisons Over Time Comparisons Across Classes Comparisons Across Grades Comparisons Across Teachers
Classroom Performance Summary Report
MSTAR Comparison Report – Comparison Over Time
MSTAR Universal Screener Spring Testing Window March 21 through April 15, 2011
Texas Education on iTunes U TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Texas Education on iTunes U http://www.tea.state.tx.us/itunesu/
Presidential Awards (PAEMST) The National Science Foundation, under the direction of the White House, approves the Texas candidates as finalists for the national Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST) award. If chosen as a national winner, the state finalists will receive $10,000 and an all-expense-paid trip for two to Washington D.C. for ceremonies that include recognition from the President of the United States at the Capital. Texas Finalists Selected (K-6) Nominations (7-12) Due April 1, 2011 Applications (7-12) Due May 1, 2011 More information at www.PAEMST.org Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
Presidential Awards (PAEMST) 2010 Texas Elementary Mathematics Finalists Elizabeth Hudgins is a 5th grade teacher at Eanes Elementary School in Eanes ISD and has 8 years of teaching experience. Lorene Wallace is a 1st grade teacher at Bryker Woods Elementary School in Austin ISD and has 6 years of teaching experience. Stephanie Weaver is a 3rd grade teacher at Shadycrest Elementary School in Pearland ISD and has 14 years of teaching experience. Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
Presidential Awards (PAEMST) 2010 PAEMST Awardee for Texas Mathematics Mallory Zimmerman Mallory Zimmerman is a 23-year veteran teacher and currently teaches algebra at Uvalde Junior High School in Uvalde CISD. Her principal is Kenneth Mueller and her superintendent is Wendell Brown. Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
Other Agency Resources
Questions About Educator Certification? Live Chat Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Look for the grey chat box located on TEA’s Educator Certification Web page: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/sbecchat.aspx Toll-free number (888) 863-5880 Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
Project Share Project Share provides an elearning platform to support a community of practitioners dedicated to improving teaching and learning through an interactive and engaging environment. Information is available from your education service center.
Introducing a global online learning community where educators collaborate, share resources, and showcase accomplishments. http://www.projectsharetexas.org/index.html
Project Share Complete online professional development courses Collaborate and share resources with other teachers same interests same professional development needs Access digital content Online repositories State owned instructional materials
Project Share: Courses
OnTRACK overview Online learning tools (lessons) for students in the areas of math, science, ELA and social studies developed to increase student preparedness and performance on STAAR high school assessments leading to a higher degree of College and Career Readiness. All learning tools are being developed within TEA’s Project Share platform. It’s free-use as much or as little as you need.
Project Goals Help students exceed the minimum score required on each high school STAAR assessment in order to meet graduation requirements. Prepare all students to meet the college-readiness component of the Algebra II STAAR assessment.
OnTRACK Courses Should be used as a supplemental resource. May be used as intervention or acceleration materials with students.
Mathematics Courses Algebra 1 6 units –61 lessons Geometry
What do lessons include? Video You Tube, Teacher Tube, National Geographic, etc. Assessments and self check items Interactive learning opportunities Multiple representations Lots of pictures that connect the content to a context Digital assets Open source From a repository
On Track for College Readiness—Supplemental Course Material for Students-Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
Project Share Option 1: Enter through the Project Share website at http://www.projectsharetexas.org Option 2: Enter through the Epsilen website at http://www.epsilen.com Contact your ESC for account information
Texas Reading First Demonstration Site Project Shallowater Elementary Shallowater ISD Phil Warren, Superintendent Mary Hughes, Principal Terri Nichols, Literacy Coach http://www.shallowaterisd.net As most of you are aware, the TEA has initiated an online, interactive website designed to provide educators with professional development opportunities and alternative ways to collaborate with colleagues when face-to-face isn’t feasible. With the support of the Educational Service Centers, many educators have received usernames and passwords to access the plethora of material being developed. The screen shot that you are looking at is the landing page for the educator section in Project Share. This page provides information about Project Share and, if you look in the top right corner, is where you log in to access course materials.
© Texas Education Agency/University of Texas System Another way of accessing the course material is through the Epsilen platform. Similar to the Project Share home page, you will need to log in at the top right to gain access to course materials. © Texas Education Agency/University of Texas System
TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Project Share Questions may be sent to the Project Share mailbox: projectshare@tea.state.tx.us TEA Contact is Kerry Ballast: kerry.ballast@tea.state.tx.us More information is available on the Project Share website: www.projectsharetexas.org/ Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
Join All Agency LISTSERV Groups at TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Join All Agency LISTSERV Groups at http://miller.tea.state.tx.us/list/ Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
TASA/TASB 9/25/10 Curriculum Contact Information Everly Broadway, Ed.D. Director, Mathematics everly.broadway@tea.state.tx.us Lindsey Perry Assistant Director, Mathematics lindsey.perry@tea.state.tx.us Division of Curriculum 512-463-9581 curriculum@tea.state.tx.us Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.
We appreciate your service to the students of Texas. TASA/TASB 9/25/10 We strive to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students. Thank you. We appreciate your service to the students of Texas.