General Manager’s Recommended Budget FY 19/20 Public Works Department Sanitation Fund Capital Improvement Plan
Public Works Department The Public Works Department: Total Operating Budget FY 19/20 $13,924,061 Administration The total change in the DPW budget for FY 2019/20 is a decrease of $332,172 or -2.3% compared to the current year adopted budget. Engineering Building Inspection Facilities Management Field Services Division Highway Parks Adjusted for the DB pension, net increase of $215,232 or 1.5% Cemetery Fleet Maintenance
Public Works Department Adjustments Common to all Divisions Reductions in Defined Benefit (DB) accounts Office supply reductions due to centralized toner purchasing Favorable bid pricing on Gasoline and Diesel
Administration Decrease of $6,287 or -0.8% Combined wages and benefits increase of $3,883 or 1.7% Combined Purchased Services and Supplies have decreased by $10,170, or -1.7%, with adjustments in electricity charges attributable to street light conversions to more energy efficient LED
Engineering Adjusted for the DB pension, net increase of $14,397 or 0.6% One Civil Engineer position frozen in upcoming year 40.3% of Engineering budget funded by Water & Sewer Funds
Building Inspection Adjusted for the DB pension, net increase of $20,116 or 2.0% Adjusted for the DB pension, net increase in wages and benefits of $28,605 or 3.1% Decrease of $8,489, or -15.8%, in Purchased Services and Supplies with adjustments to various line items including: Decreases due to favorable software pricing Relocation funding from reimbursable revolving account Review of prior year actual expenses
Facilities Management Adjusted for the DB pension, net decrease of $7,534 or -0.3% Adjusted for the DB pension, net increase in wages and benefits of $27,005 or 3.0% Decrease of $34,539, or -2.6%, in Purchased Services and Supplies with the adjustments in utility accounts to reflect actual cost experience and efficiency improvements
Field Services - Highway, Fleet, Parks, Cemetery Adjusted for DB pension, net increase of $194,540 or 2.4% Adjusted for DB pension, net increase in wages and benefits of $223,191 or 3.9% Favorable bidding on Gasoline and Diesel Budget based on average winter season (15 events) 12 storm events to-date this winter
Sanitation Expense increase of $354,289 or 5.1% Wages and benefits increase by $71,711 or 4.6% The combined Purchased Services and Supplies objects increase by $277,842 or 4.6%. Increased Tip Fee- MIRA Landfill improved maintenance; vegetation, erosion, and seep controls. New landfill gas collection system operation & reporting Contractual increase in curbside refuse collection program Tipping fee revenues expected to remain flat Concerted efforts to manage volume to reach 2025 May reduce historic revenue surpluses
Capital Improvement Plan Public Works Categories Public Infrastructure Parks Vehicles & Equipment Facilities (Town Buildings) Total General Fund Contribution: $1,514,000 Increase of $160,000 compared to current year (12%)
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Public Infrastructure: Town-wide Bridge Safety and Repair Program $150,000 Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings $25,000 Permit Management Software $165,000 Lincoln Center Improvements $100,000
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Facilities Maintenance: Masonry Restoration Program $25,000 Window Repairs and Replacement $25,000 Flooring Replacement $25,000 Town Hall Masonry Mary Cheney Library
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Facilities Maintenance: Interior Painting $10,000 Exterior Painting $25,000 Roof Repairs and Replacement $100,000 Mechanical and Life Safety Systems $100,000 Cheney Hall Maintenance $25,000 Swanson Pool House Lincoln Center
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Parks and Recreation: Swimming Pool Upgrades and Major Repairs Program $55,000 Outdoor Hard Surface Repairs$25,000 Adult Softball Field Upgrades $25,000 Artificial Turf Field $12,000 Shuffle Board
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Parks and Recreation: Outdoor Court Reconstruction $30,000 Parks Upgrades $75,000 Passive Recreation Oversight $37,000 Trail Fence and Wood Rail Replacement $25,000 Parks Master Plan $120,000 Robertson Basketball East Coast Greenway
Capital Improvement Plan Use of General Fund: Equipment & Vehicles: Equipment & Vehicles Replacement Plan $600,000 Special Events Trailer & Traffic Equipment $35,000
Capital Improvement Plan Use of LoCIP: Center Springs Pond Fountain $125,000 Charter Oak Pavilion $100,000 Charter Oak Pavilion
Public Works Department Thank You