Robotics Complete mapping exercise. Build robot with claw. My Block. Homework: Start preparation for midterm
Midterm Post question(s)! Will post midterm guide
My Block Give name to sequence of blocks Macro or subroutine feature? Need to specify any data links Can use as [single] block to re-use debugged code and make long programs appear shorter. Macro or subroutine feature? Not sure how compiler treats code
reading is a numeric variable.
Can move write variable block back…
Re-work Examine programs, such as mapping, to see if there are sub-sections that have well-defined meaning to extract to be MyBlocks. … do at least one.
Mapping exercise Complete mapping exercise. Upload and examine file Notepad or Textpad Can work more on this for project.
Lab Build robot with claw. Go to a specified location 1 (in terms of some coordinate system you design), pick up object. Travel to specified location 2 (you decide if this is relative or absolute), place object.
Homework Complete Google SketchUP exercise. Look at on-line guide to midterm. (Postings)