Mrs. Fulton’s 3rd Grade Leaders Pin this to your fridge so you know what’s going on! October 5, 2015 ~~ SPECIAL NEWS AND NOTES ~~ Special News & Notes THE GRADED WORK FOLDER IS COMING HOME TODAY! – Please … 1. Sign and return the “Graded Work Log”. 2. Take out the graded papers and keep them at home. CLASS SHIRT ORDER FORM AND $5 DUE THIS WEEK!!!!!!! – Fri., Oct. 9 FIELD TRIP FORM AND $25 DUE NEXT WEEK – Fri., Oct. 16. MEDIA NIGHT – Tuesday, October 13, 5:30 - -7:30 – ~Homework Help by a Certified Teacher ~ Sign Up Stations for Skyward, Free & Reduced Lunch, and PTO ~ Title I Family Resource Room open with resources to check out ~ Academic Website Information Mrs. Fulton’s Email … Sawgrass Bay School Website MATH – Topic 3: Apply Properties-Multiplication Facts for 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 READING – Unit 2: Text Structures, Sequencing and Cause & Effect ELA– Wed., 10/7, Spelling Test Math – Wed., 10/7 Topic 3 Test UPCOMING ASSESSMENTS VOCABULARY TEST 10/14 1. particularly- especially or mainly 2. speechless- unable to say anything because you are shocked, surprised, or very angry 3. reunite- come together again after being separated 4. cross- annoyed, angry 5. savory- pleasant to smell or taste 6. realize- become aware of something or understand something that you did not understand before 7. identify- recognize someone or something 8. predator- an animal that hunts other animals for food 9. prey- an animal that is hunted by another animal for food 10. skillful- good at doing something 11. dim-somewhat dark or not bright 12. available-possible to get 1. ants 11. dishes 2. toys 12. babies 3. flies 13. bushes 4. things 14. glasses 5. boxes 15. puppies 6. games 16. families 7. lines 17. libraries 8. rocks 18. brothers 9. wishes 19. packages 10. ladies 20. melodies IMPORTANT DATES Fri.,, Oct. 23 – No School (Professional Development Day) Mon., Oct. 26 – No School (Teacher Work Day) Fri., Oct. 30 – Report Cards 1st 9 Weeks HOMEWORK Reading – Due Friday (See homework instruction sheet in Bobcat Binder for details) Monday – Smart 7 Strategies #1-3 Tuesday – Vocabulary Wednesday – Smart 7 Strategies #4-7 Thursday – Short Answer Question Math – Due Next Day Worksheets will come home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and are due the following day. SPELLING TEST 10/7