Sargent Students Have Lost Ground in Real Terms; MLO would Catch Students Back Up Per-Pupil Funding in 2015 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars Negative Factor Sargent schools have seen their per-pupil funding fall more than $1,000 in real terms since 2009. The $500,000 override would add an extra $1,130 to Sargent’s per pupil spending and catch it back up. Source: CFI analysis of Denver-Boulder-Greeley CPI and Colorado Department of Education district funding worksheets
Sargent RE-33J Receives Higher State Share of Total Program than State Average In FY 2015-16, Sargent RE-33J will collect $915,681 in property tax. A $500,000 mill levy override would represent a 55% increase in property taxes. State Average Sargent RE-33J Property Tax $ Per Student $2,183 $1,966 Override $ Per Student $951 $1,300* *$75,000 MLO and the proposed $500,000 MLO