Celebrate Monday! 5 min 20 min total
Objective: Read and evaluate newspaper articles to announce the new atomic theory.
Work on your news article. Remember: Newspaper format Scientist & His Discovery Year of Discovery Previous Theories Picture Quality of Product New Information 15 min
Brilliant Believer Wonderful Worker Ima Student Article # Average Score: Exceeds Expectation 3 points Meets 2 points Needs Improvement 1 point Not Seen 0 points Looks like a paper It is clear what scientist is being discussed Year of discovery Scientist’s discovery is accurately described It is clear how this new theory is different from previous theories Appropriate picture is present Contains info not presented in class Quality of project Positive comment: Wish for next time: Brilliant Believer Wonderful Worker Ima Student
Your 2 cents wanted….
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A Weird and Wondrous Place
Dimitri Mendeleev : 1860 Organized the 60 known elements into a table based on elements increasing mass Grouped elements with similar properties in columns Left spaces for unknown elements
Didn’t even know about protons Mendeleev’s Problem Didn’t even know about protons
A Groups have same # of valence electrons Group 1 = 1 electron Group 2 = 2 electrons Group 8 = 8 electrons Except for He, it has 2 electrons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Putting it all together.. 5 minutes 25 min
The Periodic Table
Roman Numerals
Mendeleev’s Table
Solitaire Made a “Deck of Cards” of Elements Lined the cards up in order of increasing mass Arranged elements Rows by increasing mass Columns by similar properties
Periodic table Mendeleev’s chart was renamed the periodic table Is an arrangement of elements in columns, based on a set of properties that repeat from row to row
Mendeleev didn’t know about atoms All atoms of element have same number of protons Atoms of two different elements could not have the same number of protons