Ship reporting formalities EMSWe Regulation Ship reporting formalities Antwerp, November 6, 2018
The European Maritime Single Window environment Regulation Proposal: COM(2018) 278 final (May 2018) Positions of the industry Positions of the Member States Position of the European Parliament Role and position of PCS in the EMSW environment Further outlook
Proposal: COM(2018) 278 final (May 2018) Repealing Directive 2010/65; New Regulation and empowerment for additional implementing acts; Harmonization of interfaces, technical specifications, standards and procedures; Single Windows share data through SafeSeaNet; Introduction of an EMSWe data set and digital spreadsheets; ‘Reporting once principle’ further applied; Some Customs formalities included
Positions of the industry CLECAT ECASBA EMPA ESC ESPO FEPORT IPCSA ESCA and WSC The industry is divided: In favour of: One EMSW; One harmonized interface; A single EU data set; ‘Watering down the proposal is not acceptable’ In favour of: Interoperability; Harmonized data set, based on IMO independent reference data model; Harmonized interfaces; integrated approach to EU SW by DG TAXUD and DG MOVE.
Support ESPO’s amendment ? Positions of the Member States ESPO Divided. Example: Art. 6.1 Support ESPO’s amendment ? Belgium: Up to National Authorities Denmark: No Estonia: Not applicable in Est. Finland: - France: Current proposal satisfactory Germany: - Ireland: No detailed position yet Italy: No Lithuania: Yes, but to be extended Netherlands: No Poland: - Portugal: Up to National Authorities Romania: Yes Spain: - Sweden: No UK: Under consideration
Position of the European Parliament “.. The rapporteur believes that, firstly, a harmonized dataset is essential and perhaps the most important means of reducing the administrative burden for ships calling at EU ports and for improving the maritime logistic chain. The rapporteur would like to see the Commission come forward with a detailed harmonized data set that takes full account of the efforts at IMO level on data harmonization. The rapporteur would also like to ensure that the EMSWe dataset is implemented without prejudice to the customs reporting environment and that there should be cooperation between the relevant authorities here in that regard. The Rapporteur recognizes the need for Member States to have the flexibility to sometimes add new elements to their reporting requirements, for various reasons, but believe that it is important to find the right balance in order to not add new administrative burdens. Regarding the operation of the National Single Windows, the rapporteur can see the logic of building upon the existing structures and welcomes the Commission’s proposal in this regard. In order to ensure the good functioning of the NSW, the rapporteur would like to see the two way communication between the declarant and the relevant authorities ensured. In addition, the rapporteur believes that each NSW should have a clear governance dimension with a legal base in order for the smooth processing, flow and handling of data between authorities and, indeed, between Member States. The rapporteur would also welcome the possibility for Member States to jointly develop a single window.”
Role and position of PCS in the EMSW environment To be discussed.. PCS Port system? Outside the SW environment? Other reporting channel? Single Submission Portal to SW?
Further outlook (indicative, to be confirmed) 08/11/2018: Discussion on the report from EP rapporteur Clune 20/11/2018: Deadline for submitting amendments 03/12/2018: European Transport Council: possible conclusion of Council’s position on the EMSWe Regulation 22/01/2019: Vote on the report from the rapporteur of the Transport Committee 02/2019 – 12/2019: Discussions in EP 2019 – 2024: Delegated acts 2025: Possible agreement on this proposal 2026: Enters into force )on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union). It shall apply from four years after entry into force of this Regulation. Directive 2010/65/EU shall be repealed from the date of application of this Regulation