CRO4Bologna (SOCRATES – TEMPUS) Project duration: 1 year 1st December 2004 – 31st November 2005 Financing: 107 500 € total grant Ministry of Science, Education and Sports 5% + travel costs Italy - Croatia 27 April 2019
Partners Coordinator: University of Zagreb Aleksa Bjeliš Contractor: Österreichischer Austauschdienst, Austria Ulrich Hörmann 27 April 2019
Partners and contacts from Croatia: Ministy of Science, Education and Sports Mirjana Polić-Bobić University of Rijeka Pero Lučin University of Split Ivan Slapničar University of Dubrovnik Vjekoslav Damić University of Zadar Danica Škara University of Osijek Ksenija Čulo 27 April 2019
Partners and contacts from EU: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic RNDr. Vera Stastna Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Austria OR Mag. Gottfried Bacher University of Udine, Italy Franca Battigelli 27 April 2019
Project goal: To meet the Bologna requirements and demands of The Act on Higher Education and Research in Croatia in order to join EHEA and to intensify the cooperation in the field of higher education in the region. 27 April 2019
Specific goals: Establishment of the National Bologna Promotes Team – 12 members 150 professors, teachers, students, staff and management at 6 Croatian universities trained in Bologna requirements and best practice exchange in order to make the transformation of the system feasible 27 April 2019
Croatian Team of Bologna Promotes Consists of 12 promoters Knowledge and experience to provide counseling to HEIs on the three Bologna priorities as defined by ministers in Berlin: Quality Assurance (Internal and External) The Three Cycle System (Curricular Reform, Qualification Frameworks, Tuning) Recognition (ECTS, Diploma Supplement, EUROPASS, Lisbon Recognition Convention) 27 April 2019